Actex FM 2007訂正 - 金融分析師

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-11-02T12:40

Table of Contents

我說的是Fall Edition.







Dear Tiffany:

You are correct about the error you reported to us. Thank you very much
for bringing them to our attention.

As a token of our appreciation for your feedback, we are entering your
name in our next drawing for $100 in I.P.A.S.S. points.

Gail Hall
ACTEX Publications, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:20 AM
To: Gail A. Hall
Subject: Customer Feedback Form

Opinion Form From Website

Course: Actex Study Manual Soa Exam FM

I found this manual: VeryGood

I found the following helpful:
Everything is helpful!

I found the following problems:
The concept on M10-32 and M10-33.
Supplemental Exercises #4
Investstor A buys the index at time 0 and sells a 1025 strike call with
T=.25. Investor B writes a 1025 strike put and "borrows" x. The two
investors have the same payout functions. What is x?

To improve manual:
I think it should be "lends".
Since a zero-coupon bond writer borrows money from a zero-coupon buyer.
And the buyer "lends" money to the bond writter. And as the content of
the text and the manual itself: Covered Call= payoff[index-call with
strike K]=payoff[zero coupon bond for K - put with strike K]=> When we
buy a bond, don't we "lend" the money not "borrow"?
I thought "borrowing money" is "selling a bond."

Maybe I'm confused. Please help!

急需討論Actex FM 2007 FALL Edtion!!!!!



明明是paylater strategy,卻沒有使用這個rules而有莫名其妙的解答.



All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-11-06T10:28
出版社太小氣了吧 給你個100元的抽獎 不如送一本書

財報分析 Data-ming

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-11-02T03:26
※ 引述《rampage (愛樂)》之銘言: : 如題 : 我是資訊系的學生 : 以後想做財會資料 data-ming這個部分 : 想請教各位先進 如果有過此類的合作經驗w/ 資訊人員 (assuming 各位學財金 會計^^and#34;) : 1. 你們與資訊人員溝通時 面臨最大的困難是什麼 技術上絕對 ...

請問一個CFA LEVEL2 的會計問題

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-11-02T00:23
請問一下 在VOLUME2的第16頁 為什麼用equity method 算出來的 recognized losses 會和 Held-to-maturity 算出來的不同呢 在課本中都是他們的標註都是realized only EXHIBIT 1 下面有一個式子 寫著 Loss on shares so ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-11-01T23:53
大家好 有事想要問問大家的意見 我目前有以下三家公司的offer 這三個工作內容相差很多 不知道有沒有人在這些公司待過 想知道這些公司的風評 或是請給我一些意見 幫助我做選擇 謝謝!! 1. PWC: 財務顧問 主要是負責公司併購這塊的業務 這間公司的知名度能見度比較高 底薪也 ...

請問考SOA-EXAM P適合哪一台計算機

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-11-01T22:18
計算機實在太多種了 麻煩 推薦一下 感恩阿XD - ...

又出來賣藝了... XD

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-11-01T01:00
該死的鹽雞第一輪就打包, 跟 Rockets 一樣, 喵的… 還好馬上 NBA 又開打了, 正想開始賭時才發現自己阮囊羞澀, 老骨頭我只好又出來獻世了 (剛好本禮拜也比較閒). 雖說我只是 one-trick pony, 但為了賭, 也只好來江湖賣藝一下賺點 P 幣了. 歡迎大家自由提問申請 MSF or P ...