BASEL III:交易對手風險管理研討會 - 金融分析師

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-06-11T02:30

Table of Contents

PRMIA and Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) will jointly
hold a seminar on June 28.

The topic of the seminar is
"BASEL III: The New Standard for Managing Counterparty Credit Risk."

Welcome notes
Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission (TFSC)
Commissioner - Liu, Chi-Chun

Dr. Nathanael Benjamin, senior risk advisor, FSA's risk specialists division
Bart Piron, Principal Consultant, Algorithmics

Target Audience
credit risk managers, Enterprise risk managers,
front Office Traders impacted by CVA,
senior management who want to use CVA as a competitive tool,
risk analysts who require a understanding of the business aspects of CVA,
Middle Office

If you are interested in joining the seminar, please find more information at:

As seating is limited,
please fill out the registration form (

If you have any further question, please contact: [email protected].


All Comments


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-06-09T23:26
小弟我目前正在修衍生性商品訂價,目前教到Var的章節。 在題目和課本中波動率都是給定的,因此我很好奇到底實務上 是如何決定標的物的波動率??(是歷史統計資料? 抑或風控人員個人感覺?) 希望在業界的前輩能不吝指教~ 謝謝 - ...

CFA Association of Taiwan

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-06-08T16:57
CFA台灣分會的網站如下: 上頭有FAQ的中譯版、就業輔導(限會員) 可以逛逛看 - ...

2009 LV2 模擬考題afternoon session Q.53

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-06-03T14:04
原題意是說 某人發表了一個statement : A receiver swaption permits the holder to enter into a pay floating position and is equivalent to a put option. 個人認為pay floatin ...

基金經理人 vs. 自營部交易員

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-06-03T13:09
小弟我剛好兩種都做過(其實也只做過這兩種) 建議你不要太執著 尤其是基金經理人 運氣成分太重 真的對交易有熱忱 對金融商品有興趣就去交易室 我認為有能力進交易室就有能力進投信 只是投信的缺相對少很多 大部分又都只用有經驗者 新鮮人履歷可能不用15秒就OUT了 再來如果你抱著非經理人不當的心態 那 ...

基金經理人 vs. 自營部交易員

George avatar
By George
at 2011-06-02T19:03
各位晚安 :) 在下財金系畢業,有數年交易經驗 希望將來能成為操盤手 因尚未踏入職場,對業界不熟悉 有個問題想請教各位前輩 就我所知,操盤手主要分成兩類 一是 基金經理人 (共同基金、避險基金、期貨基金) 二是 自營部交易員 不曉得兩者除了操作資金來源不同(前者是市場投資人,後者是公司) 還有什麼地 ...