Can I Go To Kellogg for I-Banking? - 工管

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-01-03T16:38

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I am in the process of deciding on my second deadline schools (I know… Iˆm
a bit late on the uptake here). Iˆve been reading your blog for awhile and
your advice to ¨go to the best school you can〃 kind of makes sense, but I
have a question.

Do you think it holds true irrespective of my goals?

For example, say if my goals relate to I-Banking; do you advise me to go to
Kellogg instead of Stern or Cornell? When I try to answer the ¨why Kellogg〃
question, donˆt you think it sounds unrealistic to the adcom that I say my
goals are in IB and Kellogg is my first choice? Do you think I should choose
schools based on my goals or at least have different goals in the
applications for different schools?


Another great question up in here. And, as usual, one we see every day. The
key here is, as you know, to go to the best school you can get into. : ) And
this inevitably leads to some consternation from our peers on the forums. But
such is life.

Here is the way to do it dude: Yes, tell Kellogg that you wanna go there to
do banking. Shouldnˆt be too hard to convince ¯em of the fact. For example,
are you all about teamwork? Suuuure you are. Kellogg is the place for you. Do
you wanna maybe run JP Morgan one day? If so, you might wanna talk to Prof.
David Stowell about that. He ran the Midwest biz for the firm. There are
PLENTY of heavy hitters there.

And Kellogg needs bankers too, dude. Every school does. Sure, some ¨
specialize〃 in certain areas, but every school will prepare you for whatever
it is you want to do post-MBA. In fact, getting a banking job from Kellogg
will be even easier than it would be, in many ways, out of Stern. Just
imagine how much less competition there will be…

At the end of the day, your b-school experience is what you make of it, so do
your research on Kellogg, find out what Kellogg has to offer for you
specifically, and build that into your ¨Why Kellogg〃 essay.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

– Jon Frank

Tags: 工管

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