CFA L1 Reading 52 Problem 3 請教 - 金融分析師

By Ina
at 2008-11-29T17:56
at 2008-11-29T17:56
Table of Contents
exchange rules that proceeds from a short sale must be kept on account with
the broker.
(cash $5600)
short-seller also are required to post margin (cash or collateral) with the
broker to cover losses should the stock price rise during the short sale.
(margin 5600*45%=$2520)
although large or institutional invsetors typically will receive some
income from the proceeds of a short sale being held with the broker.
from Essentials of Investments, by Bodie, Kane and Marcus, 2008,7th ed.
※ 引述《sonia888 (sonia)》之銘言:
: 放空(sell short)是借券出售。
: 你借100股,並以@$56出售,共得到$5,600。
: 保證金(margin requirement)是45%,所以你須繳交$5,600×0.45=$2,520的保證金。
: 為了保證將來有足夠的錢可以買回股票來還券,除了繳交的保證金以外,你還須借總售股
: 金額($5,600)扣除保證金($2,520)後的餘額($5,600-$2,520=$3,080),也就是
: $5,600×0.55=$3,080的部分。
: 既然這$3,080的部分是借款,你當然要在回補之後,計算應繳的利息,也就是$5,600×
: 0.55×0.08=$246.40。
: 所以計算投資報酬率時,須把此利息算為成本,作為減項。
: 你之所以把此減項誤作為加項,是因為你誤把放空賣掉的股票收入,視為你的錢,所以誤
: 以為有利息收入。
: ※ 引述《md13 (Keep Walking)》之銘言:
: : cash is not borrowed and so interest is not charged
: : profit = 5600-4500-250-300 = 550
: : from 官網 L1_Errata
the broker.
(cash $5600)
short-seller also are required to post margin (cash or collateral) with the
broker to cover losses should the stock price rise during the short sale.
(margin 5600*45%=$2520)
although large or institutional invsetors typically will receive some
income from the proceeds of a short sale being held with the broker.
from Essentials of Investments, by Bodie, Kane and Marcus, 2008,7th ed.
※ 引述《sonia888 (sonia)》之銘言:
: 放空(sell short)是借券出售。
: 你借100股,並以@$56出售,共得到$5,600。
: 保證金(margin requirement)是45%,所以你須繳交$5,600×0.45=$2,520的保證金。
: 為了保證將來有足夠的錢可以買回股票來還券,除了繳交的保證金以外,你還須借總售股
: 金額($5,600)扣除保證金($2,520)後的餘額($5,600-$2,520=$3,080),也就是
: $5,600×0.55=$3,080的部分。
: 既然這$3,080的部分是借款,你當然要在回補之後,計算應繳的利息,也就是$5,600×
: 0.55×0.08=$246.40。
: 所以計算投資報酬率時,須把此利息算為成本,作為減項。
: 你之所以把此減項誤作為加項,是因為你誤把放空賣掉的股票收入,視為你的錢,所以誤
: 以為有利息收入。
: ※ 引述《md13 (Keep Walking)》之銘言:
: : cash is not borrowed and so interest is not charged
: : profit = 5600-4500-250-300 = 550
: : from 官網 L1_Errata
All Comments

By Hardy
at 2008-12-02T17:04
at 2008-12-02T17:04
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