Chicago Booth "Random Walks" - 工管

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-08-30T13:23

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A post yesterday to The Booth Experience, a blog by current students at the
University of Chicago Booth School of Business, showcased the school’s
Random Walk trips, which provide incoming students with a chance to meet and
bond with future classmates before courses begin. Last week, more than 250
incoming Booth students visited two dozen countries around the world as part
of this unique introduction to business school.

The Random Walks (RW) program, which was named for Professor Eugene Fama’s
1965 article, “Random Walks in Stock Market Prices,” was founded in 2001.
Each RW trip comprises between 10 to 12 first-year students and two to four
second-year students, who serve as trip leaders. Past RW trips have taken
students to Belize, China, Israel and South Africa, among countless other
destinations. When we interviewed business school students for the Clear
Admit School Guides, Random Walks were cited by many of the Chicago Booth
students we talked to as among the highlights of their MBA experience.

The post on The Booth Insider shares perspectives from second-year students
on what they most remember about their own RW and what led them to choose to
lead an RW for first-year students this year. Last year these students
traveled to Turkey, Nicaragua and Portugal, and this year they led incoming
students on treks through Israel, Fiji and Brazil.

Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-09-01T18:43
So interesting! what's the purpose for biz school
to hold an activity like this


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-08-29T13:54
我申請MBA的時候,也是有找了一些台灣和美國的代辦談一談。我同意Quakergirl的說法 ,我覺得美國的代辦不管對學校的了解還是在幫學生做包裝,都比台灣的代辦強很多。我 朋友跟我推薦Stacy B, 所以一開始是買了他們的 hourly services。我的顧問其實蠻強 的,只是我後來覺得懶得一直跟他用英 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-08-28T17:55
看到ClxxxAdxxx 來到PPT還有一些人的討論,我想分享一下我本身的經驗。 我在找代辦時,跟台灣的AxxD和Enxxxxxx談過,也跟全球前三大的代辦,Stacy Bxxxxxxx, ClxxxAdxxx 和MBAMxxxxxx談過。我一開始就決定不跟台灣的代辦合作,因為 這幾家全球知名的留學顧問很明顯 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-08-28T09:58
看來申請季節又快到了 大家也進入了選擇顧問公司的時候 我去年是找AKAD幫忙 分享一下經驗讓大家參考 我算是比較早準備的 一月考完gmat 五月考完toefl 當AKAD聽到我的700/103成績以後 也是不斷地要求我再去考高一點 其實我當下也覺得有點煩 畢竟不想再經歷準備考試的過程.... 但後來 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-08-28T09:29
2013年Top10上的台灣人(我說的是真台灣人 不是那種ABC) 也沒幾個真的托福比105高 我覺得你要從時間點考量 現在已經是第一輪申請時間了 你的分數都夠用了 就先把ESSAY都弄完 真的有錢有閒了再去考 基本上105對於拿面試都沒問題了 只要你在面試表現出足夠的口語能力 就沒問題了 托福每考一次 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-08-28T00:44
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : 第一次考gmat覺得自己運氣還不錯,考了750 : 可是托福怎麼考,都是在100~105附近打轉 : 但時間不多了,覺得也不想再花時間重考 : 我的105分數如下: R(30),L(28),S(22),W(25) : 可是聽說好像,尤其是口說到不了25 ...