Clairvoyance Capital Company Visit - 金融分析師

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-03-18T00:44

Table of Contents

2009 Clairvoyance Capital Recruitment Session-
Company Visit to Clairvoyance Capital Taipei Branch

Clairvoyance Capital is looking for full-time research associates to focus on
assisting analysts in building and maintaining financial/numerical models and
updating/collecting industry/company data as well as to work on various
analytical projects. This year we invite you to visit our company on April 7,
2009 (11:30AM-3:35PM) to learn more about our company and the career
opportunity in Clairvoyance Capital.

About Clairvoyance Capital
Clairvoyance Capital is a global technology fund management company with an
affiliate located in Taipei. Our investment approach is using detailed
fundamental analysis. We believe our success is attributed to our capability to
attract, inspire and develop our investment professionals and we are highly
committed to offer our professionals a flexible working environment with global

Benefits of the Company Visit
During this company visit, you can get:
─ A comprehensive knowledge regarding to the buy-side research process
─ A detailed presentation about Clairvoyance Capital and what we can offer
to achieve your career goal
─ A great opportunity to interact directly with our investment professiona

Invited Candidates
NTU students from all majors who are smart and hungry with outstanding records
(academic/other fields), want to know more about Clairvoyance Capital and would
like to start his/her career at asset management industry.

E-mail to [email protected] before 5:00PM, March 31 2009 with your resume
and cover letter (any record that can prove your outstanding achievements, e.g.
presidential award/competition championship, is a plus). The recruitment
session will be limited to the qualified students (maximum number: 20).
Clairvoyance Capital will screen your resume and reference, and reserves the
right to accept your reservation. Official invitation and agenda will be sent
to the qualified students on April 2, 2009.

For further question, please contact [email protected] or call
02-2711-6800 x 202 for Karen Tang


All Comments


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-03-16T22:26
如題, 兩天前我寄了一封信給soa, 他大概會在多少時間內回信呢? 如果是要修改名字的拼法, 是不是可以先報名呢? 我好怕等他回我信就錯過報名時間了... 有沒有寄過信給soa的人能告訴我大概多久能收到回信, 謝謝。 - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-03-14T23:58
哈摟 大家好 小弟想找夥伴一起準備CFA level 3 用最有效率的方式準備 方式如下: 1.每一個人熟讀一個study session,然後透過教學的方式讓對方快速吸收。 (道德部份讀完再一起討論) 2.一個禮拜至少兩天以上,一次最好可以三個小時,要不然就利用假日,時間長效果才 大 細節還可以討論啦, ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-03-14T18:07
還是一個VaR風險值的問題 (風險管理 Michel Crouhy Dan Galai Robert Mark合寫p204) 為什麼書上變異數共變異數法做出VaR的區間估計呢? 以常態分配來說 VaR=a*s*v a=顯著水準 s=資產母體標準差 v=資產價值 sand#39;=資產標準誤 因為通 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-03-14T17:18
※ [本文轉錄自 Accounting 看板] 作者: harehsi (==) 看板: Accounting 標題: [問題] 事務所的精算部門 時間: Sat Mar 14 17:17:04 2009 最近在人力銀行網站上看到四大其中一家的精算部門在徵人, 我才知道原來事務所也需要精算人才, 小妹我並 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-03-14T14:21
身邊的好友親朋 不是沒有信用卡 就是有信用卡的額度不夠 本來想說就算沒有信用卡也可以用美元匯票 但是網路的報名程序上 還是有一個填寫信用卡資料的步驟 請問 是否沒有信用卡就不能報名了呢? 如果不是的話 又該如何繼續報名程序? 謝謝提供解答的人! - ...