Cornell skype interview面經 - 工管

By Andy
at 2016-03-16T23:22
at 2016-03-16T23:22
Table of Contents
終於等到了cornell的面試 差點以為沒望了
我自己有做table of content的影片
結果都沒有人看 直到大概三月初才有一個瀏覽
基本上沒辦法知道誰面試你 一定是adcom 而且前三分鐘才加我skype
我是被Eddie面試的 一位黑人 人蠻好的
我也是參考了很多面經 但還是被問到一些沒準備的題目
Introduce yourself
What's the thing that you like the most about your job?
Challenging experience you face in your everyday job.
You have only two years experience which is below our average, why now?
What's your post MBA goal?
Which country?
If you can't get a job in that goal,what's your backup plan(unexpected)
What have you done or been networking for that career goal?(unexpected)
以上這兩題應該會對投銀或顧問職涯目標的人提出 要小心準備 我第二題答得不是很好
Leadership experience
why cornell
What do you do for fun(有在其他面經看過)
Anything else would like me pass to admission team.
QA time
他就問我喜歡看哪部 我說我最近在看紙牌屋
他就非常高興的說那是他最愛的節目 希望有加分到
後人如果有遇到他面試的話 不仿做個陷阱
好像5天內就會有結果了 祝我好運....
All Comments

By Una
at 2016-03-20T17:50
at 2016-03-20T17:50

By John
at 2016-03-22T07:17
at 2016-03-22T07:17

By Kelly
at 2016-03-26T23:36
at 2016-03-26T23:36

By Genevieve
at 2016-03-29T14:35
at 2016-03-29T14:35
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