CPA考試(人在美國身份問題) - 會計

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-01-29T19:06

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另外你說的IL license的問題...
它以前是two tier state的...就是license跟certification是分開拿的...

※ 引述《aaaaaakoyasu (SNOWY HOME)》之銘言:
: 我目前是Wisconsin某會計研究所的學生
: 拿F-1 visa
: 畢業後會申請OPT(期限三個月)
: 想準備考CPA 我查了WI相關網站
: educational requirement要求會計研究所畢業前兩個月才能報考
: 但是我畢業後如果沒有找到工作超過三個月就沒有合法身份了 沒辦法待在美國考試
: 如果離開美國工作 考CPA又不方便 + 拿不到license (沒有美國工作經歷)
: 有沒有版友跟我類似狀況的 是怎麼準備考試呢?
: 畢業前兩個月先考過一兩科 然後在美國找到工作後 邊工作邊準備考試嗎?
: 找工作時如果說有考過CPA其中一兩科會不會比較加分?
: 如果在美國找不到工作 是不是CPA那幾科就白考了?
: (拿不到license 也不能抵台灣會計師考試)
: 另外
: 有看過中文文章寫在IL考過考試可以同時拿到certificate和license(不用工作經驗)
: 可是我在IL的相關機構網站都找不到這個說法
: 而且爬文也看到有人說在Guam和IL拿到的certificate+license不能抵台灣會計師考試
: (一般而言有license能抵 但有審議人員拒絕Guam和IL的license!?)
: 我有點被搞糊塗了@____@
: 補充:
: 我剛查到關於IL的相關資料了
: Iinitial License (Acceptance of Exam)
: Applicants who have passed the Uniform CPA Examination, and may or may not be
: licensed to practice public accounting in another jurisdiction, may apply for
: an Initial License from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
: Regulation (IDFPR). Applicants who passed the examination in Illinois must
: obtain the certificate from the Illinois Board of Examiners before applying
: for the license.
: Registration License.Effective October 1, 2006, after the CPA certificate is
: issued by the Illinois Board of Examiners, no person shall hold him or
: herself out to the public in any manner by using the title "certified public
: accountant" or use the abbreviation "CPA" unless he or she maintains a
: current Registration license issued by IDFPR. Registration is renewable every
: three years. The Registration license is required of all CPAs not performing
: audit and attest functions. There is no CPE or experience requirement for the
: Registration license.
: Certified Public Accounting License. In order to perform the audit and attest
: function in Illinois, you must fulfill a one-year experience requirement to
: qualify for a license to practice as a Licensed Certified Public Accountant.
: The license is renewable every three years and requires 120 hours of CPE for
: renewal. Without a license to practice public accounting you may not express
: an opinion on a financial statement based on an audit or examination of a
: financial statement or issue a report expressing assurance on a financial
: statement. If you obtain a license to practice public accounting in Illinois,
: then you are not required to register your certificate.
: You may acquire both licenses in Illinois, but you MUST hold at least one
: license in order to hold yourself out to the public in any fashion as a CPA.
: 所以我現在主要還是卡在身份問題 感謝賜教<(_ _)>


All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2010-02-02T08:36
謝謝你 這個資訊對我很重要^^/
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-02-05T12:37
It seems that no more state still adopts two tier system.
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-02-09T00:19
including Guam?? That's what I'm concerned.
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-02-09T08:36
since lots asian candidates fly to Guam and take
CPA exam, how did they get certificates without
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-02-10T03:03
having any working experience in the states?
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-02-14T08:33
ppl mention that no more state adopts two tier
system, did those candidates just pass the exam
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-02-16T21:35
and not get certificates?
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-02-20T12:05
As far as I know, some states accept w/e in Taiwan. So
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-02-24T08:09
anyone who will work in acct. firm or acct.-related job
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-02-28T11:39
does not need to worry about w/e requirement. Certificate
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-03-02T11:37
/License requirements differ from state to state.
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-03-03T08:28
got it! i thought that all require w/e in the US
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-03-03T17:11
thanks for the info :)


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-01-29T18:34
以下是小弟的一些問題與疑問,有勞各位高手幫解答了atatand#34; 1.下列對持有至到期日敘述何者正確? 答案:期末評價時所產生的and#34;未實現跌價損失and#34;應列在資產負債表 想法:持有至到期日不是沒有評價科目嗎,怎麼會正確?? 2.公司在01年底現金買108000(6000股a ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-01-29T15:58
有些問題想不懂...冒昧請教... 請問...IFRS不是還在改~改~改的過度期嗎?? 針對研究所考試需要學會IFRS作法嗎??? 不是聽說台灣這幾年公報都已經向IFRS看齊了?? 據說目前我國公報已經高達85%的準則是與IFRS一樣的作法... 所以IFRS對研究所考生真會影響很大嗎?? 對會計系學生 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-01-29T12:26
先預祝會計版十周年快樂 再來發表我的問題: 要考會計師若非本科系的要先修過一些科目 我想問 那些科目名字一定要一模一樣嗎 我有些過一門會計 他的科目名稱叫會計學 而且只上一學期 是不是 不等於會計學(一)或初等會計學? 這樣我的會計學學分是不是就不算在那20學分裡面了 還有 如果學校不 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-01-29T07:00
我目前是Wisconsin某會計研究所的學生 拿F-1 visa 畢業後會申請OPT(期限三個月) 想準備考CPA 我查了WI相關網站 educational requirement要求會計研究所畢業前兩個月才能報考 但是我畢業後如果沒有找到工作超過三個月就沒有合法身份了 沒辦法待在美國考試 如果 ...

徵求becker 2手書籍

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-01-29T04:03
徵求09或08年becker 書籍 影印版也無彷 有意願合購者和出售者歡迎來信 - ...