Extracurriculars and the MBA Application - 工管

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-09-18T21:00

Table of Contents

Got a question about those MBA applications? Stuck on an essay? Need a little
clarity? Chances are, youˆre not the only one. Thankfully, Precision Essay
founder and Harvard MBA Jon Frank has an answer… for everything
admissions-related. And heˆs going to share all of his answers with you,
right here, every Tuesday.

Today, weˆre talking extracurriculars…


I have a question about extracurricular activities – how important do you
think theyˆre in application?

Is the volunteer work or community work the only thing the adcom will
consider, or other student activities such as head of Student Union, running
the schoolˆs broadcasting station, etc. also count? To be honest, Iˆve done
very little volunteer work in the past simply because I was focused on my
school and work. I donated though…. I just donˆt know if that helps or not.


Hello, my friend. Yes, of course schools want candidates (especially from
China) who are well rounded. People who do more than just excel at work and
on standardized tests. People who contribute to the community, pursue hobbies
and lead dynamic lives outside of the office. People who are MORE than just
test scores. (Although amazing ones, at that.)

MBA programs accept PEOPLE, not PROFILES. Interesting, dynamic, promising
PEOPLE. That said, all of these things youˆve listed above – whether
volunteering, running radio stations, etc. – will be helpful for you.
Anything youˆve done that is interesting will be helpful for you, from
walking dogs at a no-kill shelter to taking surfing lessons for the past 6
years. It all shows the adcom what makes you, you.

Donations, however, will NOT help.
Any actual activities you have done WILL.

Now, if you donˆt have ANY such experience recently, it is still better to
try to do SOMETHING before you apply. Even if it is only for a few months.
You can also try to get involved in something you have done before—and if
you write it correctly, it can seem as though you have been ¨doing it〃 for
a number of years, ¨off and on.〃 And honestly, that would be perfectly
TRUE. We would NEVER indicate that anyone should lie on their apps, of
course. So donˆt lie. Find a way to write it so that it is absolutely true.
But at the end of the day, just do something. Anything. And not only for
your application, but because itˆs a good thing to do.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
– Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Got a question you want to ask Jon? Email [email protected]!

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請問reapply申請Round 2可以嗎?

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-09-18T09:05
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