Financial Math or Financial Enginee … - 金融分析師

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2004-12-13T08:26

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※ 引述《Bfish (fool)》之銘言:
: You are certainly right! Yet, when one's in doubt, especially trying to go
: into a new filed, getting advice from those who have experiences is crucial
: in my point. This is exactly why we learn history, literature and Confusians
: at school; why those financial analysists busying comparing charts of different
: periods to predict the future growing. Understanding the past, taking pieces
: from it and evolve into uses to one's own.
: Some people are lucky enough to know from the beginning what they want to do,
: Who they are. But to some people, like me, it is a long searching journy.
: What I am trying to do here is simply getting advice from people who are
: already in the FM, FE or Actuarial fields. With their experiences,
: informations and suggestions, will shed some light toward my decision.

My suggestion is that you spend some time read all the information in the
精華區 and those comapny's websites. For example, investment banks (GS,
Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch) and consulting firms (McKinsey, BCG, ATKearney
) then you could have a better understanding about these industries and their
differences. Because you dont have any experience in financial industry, I
also encourage you to learn what is the financial world doing.

Besides, you should also check all the FE/FM program's websites
( You can check schools like NYU,
UChicago, CMU, Stanford, Columbia, and so on. They all have very clear courses
requirement and you could also get some of the lecture notes from the website.
Because you have the math background, you could know the meaning of those
courses and see if you like that. Moreover, those websites also have some
students resumes and the career path of their students so you could know more
about what kind of students they admit and what kind of companies and
positions hire those students. (at this time you should google those companies
and positions to learn the details.)

I think after you have done all what I said, you should know what we said
the difference between FE/FM and consulting. You could also have more ideas
about the career after FE/FM.

I started thinking what I want to do since high school, and now I still dont
exactly know what kind of job suits me best, because if you dont have the real
experience, you never know. However, I tried my best to get all information
about what I am interested. Did you check all the websites about the companies
and school programs? and google everything you dont know? even you should read
商業週刊 to learn about business world. After that, you will definitely have
a better understanding about those things and then you could ask more specific
questions instead of the general questions that we could only give you the
general advices.

The most important thing at this time is that you should make sure if you
like the courses offered by FE/FM program and the career. A simple question:
do you like math and programming? if not, you should not pursue the FE/FM
degree. However, no one could have 100% confidence about anything so you
always have to take some risk. I am doing the same thing now.

I have told you some jobs that we could get after having FE/FM degree. You
could check departments related to 'fixed income,' 'derivatives,' and
'options,' in those investment banks and if you have any further questions
about that, just post and I will try my best to answer.


天 這樣藍
樹 這樣綠
生活 原來可以這樣的安寧和美麗


All Comments

請問可否介紹幾本有關interest rate s …

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2004-12-13T00:30
※ 引述《onlyi (時間不多了)》之銘言: : 中英文皆可,謝謝!! Interest Rate, Term Structure, And Valuation Modeling Frank J. Fabozzi, Editor 2002年出版 intersest-rate o ...

Financial Math or Financial Enginee …

George avatar
By George
at 2004-12-11T03:21
人有時候就是很矛盾 想要轉換跑道重新開始 偏偏又放不下過去 想要運用自己原有的技能 希望能在未來佔有優勢 所能選擇的領域又會受限 無論哪一種行業 大有quit的人存在 很多人可以當老師公務員當一輩子 也不表示你就會喜歡那種生活 搞清楚自己想要什麼 比參考旁人的stories來的重要許多 畢竟他們不是你 你也 ...

Financial Math or Financial Enginee …

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2004-12-10T16:39
※ 引述《Bfish (fool)》之銘言: : What I have in mind is a financial consultant. I wanted to go into a more : specific field instead of a general one like MBA. Als ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2004-11-30T15:17
※ 引述《dreambreaken (小滅滅)》之銘言: : 想自己自修但是又不知道該看哪本書 : 希望有人可以回我一下 : 英文中文都可以~ Financial Statement Analysis by Martin S Fridson 推薦原因: 1.多了一般課本所沒有的特殊行業財報分析 2.我目前 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2004-11-13T19:14
※ 引述《pockmon (換個暱稱好了~~)》之銘言: : 小弟要去作兵報效國家了~~ : 所以出國時間要往後延一年~~ : 上個月的AT600托福240 : 大概念不到大家眼中的超級名校~~ : 不過~~想請問~~有沒有那種~~在五十到一百之間的學校~~ : 在財務這個領域有不錯的評價~~ 沒有。金融界 ...