gmat新制題型對學校申請的影響 - 工管

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-03-21T10:54

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※ [本文轉錄自 GMAT 看板 #1FQKA5Y1 ]

作者: tootoobenee (A級垂耳兔) 看板: GMAT
標題: [情報] gmat新制題型對學校申請的影響
時間: Wed Mar 21 10:52:46 2012


Moreover, the new IR score will be relatively unimportant in the admissions
process, for at least years. Why? The 200-800 score (together with your
undergrad GPA) is a pretty good predictor of your first-year grades. That’s
why the GMAT exists—to help admissions committees figure out how well you can
handle the academic side of business school. Decades of research support this
use of the 200-800 score.

Now along comes a brand-new section of the GMAT with a separate score. How will
admissions committees use this score? They’ll look at it as just another piece
of data on you—a piece of data that isn’t calibrated, because there’s
absolutely zero history. Right now, it’s impossible to examine the
relationship between IR scores and academic performance in b-school. There’s
just a hypothesis that these things will correlate.



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All Comments


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-03-20T16:24
不好意思前陣子在閉關,拖到現在才來回文 以原po的資質,AT破7跟託福三位數都如探囊取物 目標沒有前二十也要前三十 尤其前二十,真想要在美國就業的話,校譽、學生素質、資源與訓練、雇主親睞 都具高度競爭力,才比較容易脫穎而出 只要記得AT與大學聯考九成正比 託福再建立身邊英文環境 把聽說讀寫跨官能練起來當工具 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2012-03-20T08:53
目前人在美國 有研究一下VC產業 其實VC根本是個跟MBA關係不大的產業 除非是FUND的founder有MBA 對MBA有偏好 不然一般VC不太需要MBA 他們偏好有產業經驗或是PHD PE對MBA反而需求比較大 (但是我覺得也不是因為MBA 而是因為很多MBA之前經就是BANKING CONSULTING ...

UT Dallas or Purdue

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-03-19T23:46
Purdue已經錄取,UT Dallas還在等 不過四月就要確定了 不知道這兩間如何取捨呢? 謝謝! - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-03-19T21:01
※ 引述《mk2 (帥氣美國會計師)》之銘言: : 剛好人在SF,和VC, PE都有點交道.他們給錢倒是很慷慨,因為賺的錢多. : 所以可以給你看看進VC的硬底子有多硬. : : 那個頭頭,是台灣清大畢業, : 之後移民美國,裏面的 ...

U of Rochester, MBA program

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-03-19T20:28
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1FPoOUu3 ] 作者: wjsh (wjsh) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [錄取] U of Rochester, MBA program 時間: Mon Mar 19 20:27:04 2012 其實去年12月初就拿到offer ...