How Do I Get Off the Waitlist at Wharton? - 工管

By Cara
at 2012-01-11T21:51
at 2012-01-11T21:51
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I got waitlisted at Wharton in R1 and I donˆt know what to do. Iˆve been
reading your blogs and I know that you say people can reach out and update
their application while they wait to hear back, but you also say that Wharton
does not want you to do that. So… is there anything I can do?
First things first: congrats on getting waitlisted. Yes, congrats. Because
that wasnˆt an outright ding, which, as Iˆve said in all those blogs youˆ
ve been reading, means that Wharton likes you… they just arenˆt 100% sure
Of course, getting accepted is always the preference, but Wharton isnˆt done
with you yet. And thatˆs a very good thing.
So… what can you do? Well, youˆre right – unlike many other b-schools that
accept updates to your application, Wharton doesnˆt want you contacting them
or sending them much of anything. But that doesnˆt mean you just have to sit
there and wait around.
What you can do is get another LOR. Find someone who hasnˆt written a
recommendation for you and put them to work. If that someone happens to be a
Wharton alum or someone who is somehow connected to the school, even better.
And that person should write about things that the other recommenders missed.
A different story, a different situation… something that shows a different
(and impressive!) side of you that the adcom hasnˆt seen yet.
This is a nice way to get around the ¨donˆt contact us〃 rule at Wharton
because, hey, youˆre not contacting them! And who are you to stop that
Wharton alum for sending over a glowing recommendation about ya? But
seriously, it wonˆt hurt to have someone else reach out and add a little
somethinˆ somethinˆ to that app.
Thereˆs no guarantee this will get you off the waitlist, of course, but itˆ
s better than sitting around and hoping for the best. And in the meantime,
get to work on some other applications and keep your options open. Thereˆs
still plenty of time for some later R2 deadlines (Haas, UT, Cornell), not to
mention European programs. If you eventually get into Wharton, great! But itˆ
s always a good idea to have a backup plan. You know… that whole eggs in one
basket thing.
Good luck out there and keep us posted on where you end up!
– Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay
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