PEˆs Quick Guide to Writing MBA Application - 工管

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-01-09T10:40

Table of Contents

Weˆre down to the wire. Deadlines are coming at us every day, and weˆre
getting very close to the end of Round 2. Yet, despite the tight timelines,
many of you are just settling in to write your essays and bang out some
applications. And it is for you procrastinators of the world that Iˆm
writing this post.

For those of you that are just beginning your essays and need some direction,
some guidance, some magic to get your words on paper, take a moment and learn
a little something from the mistakes of PE clients past….

Weˆve been talking to clients all week, reading more essays than ever, and
we have come across an unusual challenge: A client writes about one list of
problems in their essay and then, in the conclusion, kinda goes his own way.
Loses track of the challenges he had set up.

Here is an example:

I set out to build a building in Shanghai.
- But I didnˆt speak the language in China
- And I didnˆt have enough start up capital
- And I failed! No building.

The next time I set out to build a building…
-I waited until the market got better.
-I delegated better.

What? What did this conclusion have to do with the mistakes you made last
time? What does a down market have to do with not speaking Mandarin? What
does delegation have to do with capital requirements? How does this situation
have anything to do with the last one? And going a step further, how does
this in any way show the adcom that youˆve learned from your mistakes and
can adapt and change for better outcomes?

It doesnˆt. And thatˆs a problem.

When youˆre writing these essays, you need to think through it all very
clearly. Donˆt just sit down and start writing. Make a plan. Make an
outline. Figure out what youˆre going to say before you write, and make sure
it makes sense, follows a very clear path and ends along the same lines as it

When it comes to writing those essays, we like to tell our clients to think
about bowling. Yes, bowling. We tell them to ¨set ¯em up, and knock ¯em
down.〃 Keep your essays niiiiice and simple. If you set up three problems?
Knock ¯em right down. In the same order. Donˆt go off the reservation. Donˆ
t overthink it.

Like this:

I set out to build a building in Shanghai.
- But I didnˆ t speak the language in China
- And I didnˆt have enough start up capital
- And I failed! No building.

The next time I set out to build a building…
- I anticipated cultural challenges, and learned Chinese. BAM, 1st one fixed.
- I raised 20% more money than I needed. BAM. 2nd one fixed.

Set ¯em up, and knock ¯em down. Three up, three down. A, B, C teed up? Same
A, B, C retired. Three up, three down. And keep ¯em the same three. Thatˆs
how you write a strong and compelling application essay, no matter what
program youˆre targeting.

Yes, writing those essays is as easy as bowling. Maybe not as fun, but
definitely as simple. So come up with a plan, set up those challenges and
knock ¯em all down. You do that right, and those essays should write
themselves in no time.

Jon Frank
Founder PrecisionEssay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-01-11T22:48

請問有人有UC Irvine interview的經驗嗎?

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-01-07T12:51
想請問板上是否有大大有今年2012 Fall UC Irvine MBA interview的經驗 我本身的GMAT不高(600,而且考不只一次,最後一次還不是最高的那一次) TOEFL不高(82) 連GPA也很低(2.5-3), 能收到UCI interview的invitaion 我實在非常非常意外 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2012-01-05T00:30
1. ID: Fridays 2. Current Status: MBA applicant 3. Schools Applied: HKUST, UT-Austin, Tepper, Ross, LBS 4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 3.2 years in high-te ...

Re: Can I Go To Kellogg for I-Banking?

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-01-04T23:02
One of Kellogg class 2013 Taiwanese studentsand#39; goal essay for Kellogg is about Investment Banking. I believe as long as your story is logical and co ...

有人收到NYU interview invitation 嗎?

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-01-04T22:23
我是丟NYU 的round 1 通知日期是2/15 想說已經一月了 不知道有沒有人收到invitation? admission website 上面說跨年假期後admission 才會重新開張 如果有invitation 的話也應該陸陸續續收到了... - ...

美國南加大/師生皆華人 MBA索性中文教學

James avatar
By James
at 2012-01-03T23:59
首先呢,只要考過GMAT, GMAC那邊就會有你的聯絡訊息,然後就會一直收到各個學校的招 生簡介。這跟是不是中國人沒有特別的關係,全世界任何人只要有考過GMAT, 都有可能會 收到的。 又,我在Marshall待了一年半了,還沒遇過哪個MBA的中國女生叫Shelley的,叫Shirley的 倒有兩個就是了。 ...