Indiana面經 - 工管

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-02-13T12:41

Table of Contents

剛剛一大早才在遠企飯店和Director James面完的,


1) Why MBA
2) Why Kelley
3) What you can contribute to us
4) What you expect to learn from your peers at Kelley
5) Tell me about your current job
6) What's the greatest achievement you are proud of on your job
7) What is the most challenging thing in your work
8) What are your colleagues say about your strength
9) What's your weakness
10) Why you want to pursue your career in marketing
11) Why you choose Geosciences major
12) Have you ever been to US?
13) What do you think the most challenging for you as you study MBA in US
14) Are you still working? What did you do these days?
15) Anything you want to share with me
16) Questions about us


Tags: 工管

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申請建議 CBS LBS

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-02-13T08:50
徵求跟我討論的兄弟同意 在分享給大家 希望有幫助 家所 : 目標申請今年秋季班的同學 : 工作經歷四年 : 大學成績也是很慘(GPA2.3X) GMAT成績普通(650左右) GMAT最好考到平均值以上 不然很容易就被刷掉 LBS去年平均695 CBS是71 ...

leadership experience

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-02-13T00:55
先前在板上po的自介文中有提到 被UIUC放在waitlist上了 因為真的很希望可以拿到admission 所以寫了信去問該加強什麼部分 (一直以來我都是當初的面試官Ben連絡 所以有任何問題我都直接問他) 他給我的建議也很明確: You have already done a lot to giv ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-02-13T00:13
請問各位大大,剛剛在留學版問過這個問題,經版主轉介所以改到這裡來詢問: and#34;已念過台灣商學研究所,還可以申請MBA嗎?and#34; 在留學版有好心人回應說如果畢業證書上有MBA,就很難了。 我查了畢業證書的確有MBA字樣,那若仍想在國外進修,希望仍是商管的碩士 課程,還能怎麼申請呢? 由於國 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-02-12T23:31
看了文章, 有些問題想請教一下. 我背景跟你也很像QQ 112碩士畢,目前在台G當product engineer. 因為不想當純RD,所以對目前這工作也算有興趣. 計畫在兩年後申請國外MBA, 希望藉由商業的訓練讓我更解半導體產業的全貌. 我想請教的是, 在這兩年我該如何準備? 準備英文是必備的, 另外 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-02-12T15:36
1. ID: Sandarac 2. Current Status: Schulich MBA, Class of 2008 3. Schools Admitted: U of T(R1), Schulich(R3) 4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 2 yrs in Manufa ...