Kelley MBA申請一問 - 工管

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-10-09T01:43

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剛剛在(Indiana U.) Kelley full time MBA 網站上找資料

發現有個"Class of 2013 Profile",上面有記載平均年歲,背景等學生資料



感謝! 這蠢問題問到後自刪~

Tags: 工管

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2011-10-12T09:10

企業雇人 企管碩士不再吃香

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-10-08T09:14
「華爾街日報」指出,愈來愈多金融機構、顧問公司和消費者產品企業,在為管理系統招 聘新人時,捨棄企管碩士(MBA)而選擇學士畢業生。高盛(Goldman Sachs)、美國商業銀行 (Bank of America)、富國銀行(Wells Fargo)都有這種趨勢。 有些公司為較低階層職務,雇用較缺乏經驗的人選 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-10-07T11:19
QS MBA Tour in Taipei andlt;QS MBA 巡迴展--台北站andgt; QS全球MBA巡展集結了INSEAD, Johns Hopkins, Manchester, USC(Marshall), Uni. of Nor th Carolina(Kenan-Flagler)等世界知 ...

The Most Important Thing MBA Applicants Should Know

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-10-06T18:33
From application essays to LORs to the infamous MBA interview, thereˆs a LOT that goes into getting into b-school. And that means there are a lot of applic ...

Career Changes and the MBA Application Essay

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-10-05T13:15
QUESTION: I believe most b-school applicants intend to land a different job (either in another industry or in another position, or both) after they get th ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-10-04T23:30
可以問一個不太清楚的問題嘛? 這幾天在申請的時候好像都沒有看到學校有仔細說明 要在什麼時間點之前讓他們收到ETS/GMAC寄發的正式成績單。只有self report score。 有人可以幫忙解惑一下嘛? ps: ETS網頁哪裡可以看自己當初選的學校阿? 我熊熊忘記我填了哪些(或是有沒有填...),成績單 ...