Re: Can I Go To Kellogg for I-Banking? - 工管

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-01-04T23:02

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One of Kellogg class 2013 Taiwanese students' goal essay for Kellogg is

about Investment Banking. I believe as long as your story is logical and

convincing, you would have chance to get into Kellogg. Hope this example


※ 引述《jonfrank (Precision Essay)》之銘言:
: I am in the process of deciding on my second deadline schools (I know… Iˆm
: a bit late on the uptake here). Iˆve been reading your blog for awhile and
: your advice to ¨go to the best school you can〃 kind of makes sense, but I
: have a question.
: Do you think it holds true irrespective of my goals?
: For example, say if my goals relate to I-Banking; do you advise me to go to
: Kellogg instead of Stern or Cornell? When I try to answer the ¨why Kellogg〃
: question, donˆt you think it sounds unrealistic to the adcom that I say my
: goals are in IB and Kellogg is my first choice? Do you think I should choose
: schools based on my goals or at least have different goals in the
: applications for different schools?
: Another great question up in here. And, as usual, one we see every day. The
: key here is, as you know, to go to the best school you can get into. : ) And
: this inevitably leads to some consternation from our peers on the forums. But
: such is life.
: Here is the way to do it dude: Yes, tell Kellogg that you wanna go there to
: do banking. Shouldnˆt be too hard to convince ¯em of the fact. For example,
: are you all about teamwork? Suuuure you are. Kellogg is the place for you. Do
: you wanna maybe run JP Morgan one day? If so, you might wanna talk to Prof.
: David Stowell about that. He ran the Midwest biz for the firm. There are
: PLENTY of heavy hitters there.
: And Kellogg needs bankers too, dude. Every school does. Sure, some ¨
: specialize〃 in certain areas, but every school will prepare you for whatever
: it is you want to do post-MBA. In fact, getting a banking job from Kellogg
: will be even easier than it would be, in many ways, out of Stern. Just
: imagine how much less competition there will be…
: At the end of the day, your b-school experience is what you make of it, so do
: your research on Kellogg, find out what Kellogg has to offer for you
: specifically, and build that into your ¨Why Kellogg〃 essay.
: Hope this helps, and good luck!
: – Jon Frank

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-01-06T06:56

美國南加大/師生皆華人 MBA索性中文教學

James avatar
By James
at 2012-01-03T23:59
首先呢,只要考過GMAT, GMAC那邊就會有你的聯絡訊息,然後就會一直收到各個學校的招 生簡介。這跟是不是中國人沒有特別的關係,全世界任何人只要有考過GMAT, 都有可能會 收到的。 又,我在Marshall待了一年半了,還沒遇過哪個MBA的中國女生叫Shelley的,叫Shirley的 倒有兩個就是了。 ...

Can I Go To Kellogg for I-Banking?

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-01-03T16:38
QUESTION: I am in the process of deciding on my second deadline schools (I know… Iˆm a bit late on the uptake here). Iˆve been reading your blog for awhil ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-01-03T12:32
如題 (抱歉這幾天趕著交 問題特別多) 有些學校會問 妳同時申請那些家 本來想說意思意思填個一兩家就好 這個有差嗎? 學校間的資訊應該不會彼此流通吧 不過今天發現有一家要上傳非正式的gmat成績單 我仔細看了一下 成績單下面有寫當初要發的五家學校 這樣一來 該校不就知道我原本打算申請那些家? (不知道 ...

essay 題目 要重打一次在檔案裡嗎?

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-01-03T01:11
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1F0UKGBy ] 作者: KERTINIA (粉) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [問題] essay 題目 要重打一次在檔案裡嗎? 時間: Tue Jan 3 01:10:37 2012 如題 今天要上傳了才想到這個問題 有些學校要分開 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2012-01-02T16:37
目前開始留意明年七月要到匹茲堡就讀的租屋資訊 想知道不曉得版上是否有在就讀CMU的學長姐們可以提供一點資訊供我下手研究, 或是已經可以預見並且在找明年七月開始承租的室友的人呢?(歡迎給我介紹或連結看可否\ 當室友喔^^) 希望條件是可以走路十分鐘內到達學校 並且離生活機能好的地區也方便的(比如說搭公車十 ...