Re: Can I Go To Kellogg for I-Banking? - 工管

By Ethan
at 2012-01-04T23:02
at 2012-01-04T23:02
Table of Contents
One of Kellogg class 2013 Taiwanese students' goal essay for Kellogg is
about Investment Banking. I believe as long as your story is logical and
convincing, you would have chance to get into Kellogg. Hope this example
※ 引述《jonfrank (Precision Essay)》之銘言:
: I am in the process of deciding on my second deadline schools (I know… Iˆm
: a bit late on the uptake here). Iˆve been reading your blog for awhile and
: your advice to ¨go to the best school you can〃 kind of makes sense, but I
: have a question.
: Do you think it holds true irrespective of my goals?
: For example, say if my goals relate to I-Banking; do you advise me to go to
: Kellogg instead of Stern or Cornell? When I try to answer the ¨why Kellogg〃
: question, donˆt you think it sounds unrealistic to the adcom that I say my
: goals are in IB and Kellogg is my first choice? Do you think I should choose
: schools based on my goals or at least have different goals in the
: applications for different schools?
: Another great question up in here. And, as usual, one we see every day. The
: key here is, as you know, to go to the best school you can get into. : ) And
: this inevitably leads to some consternation from our peers on the forums. But
: such is life.
: Here is the way to do it dude: Yes, tell Kellogg that you wanna go there to
: do banking. Shouldnˆt be too hard to convince ¯em of the fact. For example,
: are you all about teamwork? Suuuure you are. Kellogg is the place for you. Do
: you wanna maybe run JP Morgan one day? If so, you might wanna talk to Prof.
: David Stowell about that. He ran the Midwest biz for the firm. There are
: PLENTY of heavy hitters there.
: And Kellogg needs bankers too, dude. Every school does. Sure, some ¨
: specialize〃 in certain areas, but every school will prepare you for whatever
: it is you want to do post-MBA. In fact, getting a banking job from Kellogg
: will be even easier than it would be, in many ways, out of Stern. Just
: imagine how much less competition there will be…
: At the end of the day, your b-school experience is what you make of it, so do
: your research on Kellogg, find out what Kellogg has to offer for you
: specifically, and build that into your ¨Why Kellogg〃 essay.
: Hope this helps, and good luck!
: – Jon Frank
about Investment Banking. I believe as long as your story is logical and
convincing, you would have chance to get into Kellogg. Hope this example
※ 引述《jonfrank (Precision Essay)》之銘言:
: I am in the process of deciding on my second deadline schools (I know… Iˆm
: a bit late on the uptake here). Iˆve been reading your blog for awhile and
: your advice to ¨go to the best school you can〃 kind of makes sense, but I
: have a question.
: Do you think it holds true irrespective of my goals?
: For example, say if my goals relate to I-Banking; do you advise me to go to
: Kellogg instead of Stern or Cornell? When I try to answer the ¨why Kellogg〃
: question, donˆt you think it sounds unrealistic to the adcom that I say my
: goals are in IB and Kellogg is my first choice? Do you think I should choose
: schools based on my goals or at least have different goals in the
: applications for different schools?
: Another great question up in here. And, as usual, one we see every day. The
: key here is, as you know, to go to the best school you can get into. : ) And
: this inevitably leads to some consternation from our peers on the forums. But
: such is life.
: Here is the way to do it dude: Yes, tell Kellogg that you wanna go there to
: do banking. Shouldnˆt be too hard to convince ¯em of the fact. For example,
: are you all about teamwork? Suuuure you are. Kellogg is the place for you. Do
: you wanna maybe run JP Morgan one day? If so, you might wanna talk to Prof.
: David Stowell about that. He ran the Midwest biz for the firm. There are
: PLENTY of heavy hitters there.
: And Kellogg needs bankers too, dude. Every school does. Sure, some ¨
: specialize〃 in certain areas, but every school will prepare you for whatever
: it is you want to do post-MBA. In fact, getting a banking job from Kellogg
: will be even easier than it would be, in many ways, out of Stern. Just
: imagine how much less competition there will be…
: At the end of the day, your b-school experience is what you make of it, so do
: your research on Kellogg, find out what Kellogg has to offer for you
: specifically, and build that into your ¨Why Kellogg〃 essay.
: Hope this helps, and good luck!
: – Jon Frank
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