Penn State Smeal MBA - 工管

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-02-28T01:15

Table of Contents

面試官 Ann Mallison,調性蠻溫和的,沒什麼太大起伏,都問標準問題

1. Work through your resume and tell me why now you want to persue an MBA?
2. What concentration will you choose
3. Short term goal and Long term goal
4. Why Smeal and other schools you applied
5. Good teamwork experience and what did you learned
6. What your classmates describe you when they first meet you, and what will
they say when they know you 3 months later
7. What do you think about leadership and good leader
8. An ethical dilemma example
9. What do you think the biggest challenge in your MBA study
10.What do you do for fun
11.Constructive criticism others gave you & what did you learn
12.What is your strength and weakness in your application

最後給了我她的email,good luck all

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-03-01T05:24
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-03-03T15:19
剛剛面完 感謝Hao 題目都一樣 受益無窮~~^^
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-03-06T08:36
welcome! best of luck to you!


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-02-26T20:59
既然板上有牛人拋磚引玉分享請顧問的經驗,程度差的我也來響應一下好了! 最初動念找顧問原因是工作真的太操太忙了,我不想到時候還要到處拜託朋友學長姐 指導,又要找editor改。然後每個MBA畢業的最了解也就是自己畢業那間,拿A校essay去 請B校畢業的看,我心中總覺得有些疑慮。所以,我決定花錢了事, ...

Manchester MBA 面經

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-02-26T01:40
2013.02.22 via Skype 面試官:Dr. Spiro(商院副主任) 及一個Admission Team成員 Dr. Spiro在面試前應該十分仔細看過resume和essay, 所以面試時,幾乎都是essay上沒問到的。 因為問題應該因人而異,在此挑幾個比較制式的分享: 1. Why MBA ...

Johns Hopkins U. GMBA 面經

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-02-26T01:16
2013.02.07 via Skype with Michael Cuneo, 應該已經看過resume,所以跳過introduce yourself這段。 1. From where did you hear Careyand#39;s name? 2. Why do you choose GMBA? ...

George Washington University mba面經

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-02-26T00:50
2013.01.19 via Skype (apply for Round 2) with Mr. Smith, Assistant Director of the admission team 1. Go through resume 2. Why GWU? 3. Why MBA? 4. Describe ...

Re: 關於板主

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-02-26T00:27
感謝板友Brian. 其實板主本人還是常上線並會常來看板 但是如Brian所說,shoop ID無法執行任何功能(包括收發訊息) 而AskMBA當初是申請來讓大家不想id曝光的話可用來問問提的id 也不具板主功能 我曾用此id寫信詢問過國家研究院的小組長求救 但他們似乎也不知道有什麼方法 所以對於此板疏於管 ...