SOA給分的標準 - 金融分析師

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2003-01-05T12:42

Table of Contents




From both Carmody and someone in my organization who has served
as a grader, I understood that each question has a certain number
of "grading outline points". One need not get all the grading
points to get a 10 on that question. For example, for a particular
question there might be 50 grading points, but the number of
points for a 10 on that specific question might be 35.

Carmody stresses this point in his seminar -- you don't need to
write everything on the grading outline to get a 10 on the
question -- often the "main bullet points" might comprise 30-40%
of the total grading points on a particular question.

The important thing is to get on paper (at a pace of 3 minutes
per question point) these "main points", include some detail,
and move on.

If you leave a question completely blank on a written exam, it's
so deadly, because you can get a fair amount of the points needed
to get a 10 on a question by writing just the key things.

Since this is a timed exam, there clearly is "decreasing marginal
utility" to writing polished and detailed answers for any
particular question.

I think this also explains why people tend to get either
individual question scores of 1, 2, or 10.



The method the SOA uses to set the pass mark is a secret that is as
closely guarded as the formula for Coca Cola.

I always understood that the grade that you receive on the exam
only indicates where you finished relative to the pass mark.

0 = less than 50% of the pass mark
1 = 50-59% of the pass mark
2 = 60-69% of the pass mark
3 = 70-79% of the pass mark
4 = 80-89% of the pass mark
5 = 90-99% of the pass mark
6 = 100-109% of the pass mark
7 = 110-119% of the pass mark
8 = 120-129% of the pass mark
9 = 130-139% of the pass mark
10 = at least 140% of the pass mark



All Comments


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2003-01-03T22:51
※ 引述《Lionfan (2003新年新希望~~)》之銘言: : : 若答案是否定的,那在放榜到開學期間的兩三個月內,自修高微,數統可否略有小成, : 高微我不樂觀 : : 而不致落到粉身碎骨或學無所成的下場? : 高微就讓我粉身碎骨了 atat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2003-01-03T14:13
※ 引述《handicap (韜光養晦)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Myhot (影零亂)》之銘言: : : 我已經大四了,由於所唸科系不符合本身興趣, : : 早在大三上就開始修敝校設計的財務工程學程,一直學到現在... : : 未來的規劃也是以考研究所並繼續攻讀財務工程為目標, : : 但是 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2003-01-02T20:33
※ 引述《Myhot (影零亂)》之銘言: : 我已經大四了,由於所唸科系不符合本身興趣, : 早在大三上就開始修敝校設計的財務工程學程,一直學到現在... 我也是大四然後想換領域到財工 我認為國內各校財工學程的課程有點問題 當然我這句話只是我個人意見 至少我認為他們都不完全符合我需求 : 未 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2002-12-29T20:23
常常聽到在華爾街上班的人年薪很高 請問他們是從事哪些性質的工作? 為什麼可以拿那麼高的年薪呢? 之前一位學長說他有一些朋友在外商的投資銀行 跟他一樣資歷5,6年 年薪已經超過500萬了 我聽了很驚訝 學長說:這算什麼 華爾街的才誇張 所以很好奇這些領高薪的人到底做什麼樣性質的工作可以拿那麼高的年薪 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2002-12-28T18:55
辛苦arbitrageur了 開板以來整理了這麼多相關資訊 不才的板主我 好像也該有點貢獻才是.....:P ------------------------------------------------------------------ 財務工程(Financial Engineer ...