Stanford GSB essay topics 2013-2014 - 工管

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2013-05-25T11:40

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今年Stanford GSB的essay questions出來了!請看下:


Kevin Chen
[email protected]
Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters

Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why?

The best examples of Essay 1 reflect the process of self-examination that you
have undertaken to write them. They give us a vivid and genuine image of who
you are—and they also convey how you became the person you are. They do not
focus merely on what you’ve done or accomplished. Instead, they share with
us the values, experiences, and lessons that have shaped your perspectives.
They are written from the heart and address not only a person, situation, or
event, but also how that person, situation, or event has influenced your life.

Essay 2: What do you want to do—REALLY—and why Stanford?

Use this essay to explain your view of your future, not to repeat
accomplishments from your past.You should address two distinct topics: your
career aspirations and your rationale for earning your MBA at Stanford, in
particular. The best examples of Essay 2 express your passions or focused
interests, explain why you have decided to pursue graduate education in
management, and demonstrate your desire to take advantage of the
opportunities that are distinctive to the Stanford MBA Program.

Essay 3: Answer one of the three questions below. Tell us not only what you
did but also how you did it. What was the outcome? How did people respond?
Only describe experiences that have occurred during the last three years.
Option A: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you built or
developed a team whose performance exceeded expectations.
Option B: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you identified
and pursued an opportunity to improve an organization.
Option C: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you went beyond
what was defined or established.

Applicants are allotted 1,600 for their entire set of essays. Stanford has
provided specific recommendations as to how candidates should allocate these
Essay 1: 750 words
Essay 2: 450 words
Essay 3: 400 words

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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-05-22T00:49
各位版友好,小弟打算申請明年的MBA,目前正在閱讀相關資料, 看到許多人說不要辭職申請MBA,但敝人已經提出六月中起留職停薪的申請, 關於這點是否要在工作經驗上註明目前是留職停薪呢? 以下是一些背景資料給板友們做為回答參考: 1.我目前擔任行銷經理,是這間公司的共同創辦人,也是董事之一,  提出留職 ...

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Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-05-20T21:22
andlt;因作者本人不上ptt,由我代po,以下內容完全是作者本人的心得分享andgt; 我真的很感激這一路上有非常多的人的幫忙, 所以想了很久可以分享些什麼心得, 因為我也希望可以跟分享對大家有用的資訊, 就像我的這些朋友對我的幫助. 今年我在Round 2申請了四家學校,也同時被四家學校錄取(Har ...

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-05-17T22:49
新的申請季即將開始, 在此分享一些跟顧問公司合作的心得供大家參考 我跟AKAD和CA的顧問們都談過, CA感覺比較中規中矩, CA顧問認為美國人很保守, 所以goal或essay內容太過and#34;特別and#34;反而會讓Adcom覺得是為了要突顯自己而編出來 的故事.在談論過程中CA顧問建議我把 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-05-14T01:30
去年花了半年衝申請學校的考試和寫essay, 年底收到INSEAD的錄取通知後,就陷入重返 工作和臨時抱法文佛腳的漩渦中。現在考完學校要求的DELF A2了,回顧一下這段申請之路。 [ My Background ] University / GPA: NCCU BA/ 3.64 GMAT: 720 TOF ...

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