Yale今年不要求TOEFL,錄影面試正式實施 - 工管

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-06-11T15:59

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Kevin Chen
[email protected]
Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (http://www.clearadmit.com/)
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters

The Yale School of Management (SOM) will formally incorporate a brief video
interview as part of its application process in upcoming admission seasons,
Assistant Dean and Director of MBA Admissions Bruce DelMonico shared with
Clear Admit recently. He also provided more detail about the tests Yale SOM
has been using to assess the emotional intelligence of its applicants and
shared that his team will eliminate the English-language test requirement
that has until now been required of some applicants.

Some Round 3 applicants to Yale SOM in the most recent application season
were asked to respond to an interview question via video. In an effort to
learn more about this development, we reached out to DelMonico directly, who
shared the following details with us.

Yale SOM piloted the video question format two years ago, in 2011, and then
put it on hold last year, re-introducing it as part of Round 3 this year, he
said. The school plans to incorporate video questions fully into the
application process going forward, he added. “The motivation behind them is
that the ability to think and speak in the moment is an important skill but
one that is measured inconsistently in the current application process, so we
are looking for a mechanism that will help us evaluate these qualities more
consistently and effectively,” he told us. “We believe that video questions
are a step in this direction, but by no means the end point.”

DelMonico also elaborated on the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence
Test (MSCEIT), which Yale SOM asked applicants to take on a voluntary basis
as part of the most recent application season, according toan article last
month in the Wall Street Journal. Unrelated to the video questions, the
141-item MSCEIT is one of a range of non-cognitive assessments his team has
been evaluating, DelMonico told us. “We’ve been looking at a number of
different assessments over the last 3 to 4 years and feel as though we’re
starting to get a feel for what may be worth folding into the process,” he
said. But so far, no such test has affected admissions decisions.

“One other thing you may be interested to know is that we will eliminate the
English-language test requirement (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, etc.) this upcoming
application season,” he shared. Until now, Yale SOM has required this test
for applicants whose undergraduate degree was from a program not taught in
English, but future applicants will not face that requirement, DelMonico said.

Tags: 工管

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HBS/Wharton/CBS 錄取心得

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-06-08T17:39
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HBS/Wharton/CBS 錄取心得

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-06-04T01:26
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By Edith
at 2013-06-04T00:37
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at 2013-06-02T22:26
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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-06-02T14:46
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