一題CFA lv 1的問題 - 金融分析師

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-11-02T09:09

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Bond A has an embedded option, a nominal yield spread to Tresuries of 1.6%,
a Z-spread of 1.4%, and an OAS of 1.2%. Bond B is identical to Bond A
except that it does not have the embedded option, has a nominal yield
spread to Treasuries of 1.4%, a Z-spread of 1.3%, an OAS of 1.3%. The most
likely option embedded in Bond A, and the bond that is the better value,

A. Put, Bond A
B. Put, Bond B
C. Call, Bond A
D. Call, Bond B

答案是B,它說Since the OAS is less than the Z-spread for Bond A, the effect
of the embedded option is to decrease the required yield, so it must be a
put option.

不對吧,Option cost = Z-spread - OAS,

Callable Bond: Option cost >0 , Z-spread > OAS

Puttable Bond: Option cost <0 , Z-spread < OAS

這樣才對吧? 所以答案應該是D




 Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family.
Choose a fucking big television.
 Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc player and electrical tin openers.
Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance.
Choose fixed-interest mortgage payments. Choose a starter home.


All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-11-02T20:54
You get it!的確是D
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-11-07T11:32
的確是D +1
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-11-09T07:08
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-11-12T15:49

Re: 政大VEE過了

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-10-31T09:28
※ 引述《ducklmh (不要理他就好啦.........)》之銘言: : 迴歸分析 : 時間序列分析 : 財務管理 : 經濟學 請問有人知道為什麼Principle of Economics和Economics是列在同一行阿? 我查了學校的課表 感覺上這兩門都是兩學期共六學分的基礎經濟學課程 是打錯了? ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-10-31T00:14
迴歸分析 時間序列分析 財務管理 經濟學 個體經濟學 總體經濟學 不分課號 1998~2012期間修課可申請 -- - ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-10-30T10:04
請問一下 我想要台塑的每日股價 但是我查到的都是一筆一筆的 我要近十年來的股價 如果一筆一筆複製 真的太慢了 我有去經濟新報資料庫找過 但還是找不到 請問有人知道哪邊查的到嗎? 謝謝 -- ╔═══ ◢ ㄟ √██◣ ══════════════════════╗ ║ ? ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-10-28T19:36
大家好~~ 最近可以印L1的准考證了! 可是我卻忘記登入的帳號跟密碼 利用之前在板上找的申請臨時密碼 卻一直顯示 Error: A log in account could not be found for the information you have provided. If you need addi ...

CFA level 1的問題

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-10-28T13:05
請問一下 Vloume 6 買賣權平價 看完李宜豐老師的部落格還是不太了解 為什麼信託買權在選擇權是價內時 價值只剩股票 也就是X+(S-X)=S X是國庫券到期時的價值 (=執行價) + S-X (執行買權的價值) 總共有兩種價值,為什麼最後只等於S? 信託買權 是指持有 國庫券 和 買入買權 ...