三元補習班方家豪老師化學課本 - 考試

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-05-03T21:29

Table of Contents


方家豪老師課本講義數本(化學上下冊,解答,題目) 共 500 元
化學dvd課程一個半月 共 1000 元



Tags: 考試

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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-05-02T22:39
建國補習班的楊老師會發嗎? 因為去年好像沒有耶?? - ...

[活動] 2011中外國際事務研習營,熱烈招生中!!

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-05-02T00:07
※ [本文轉錄自 NewActivity 看板 #1DlNa92i ] Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙Cosmo˙中外 ...

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Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-05-01T23:56
1.what m/z value would you predict for the most stable fragment peak in the mass spectrum of 4-ethylheptane? A) 128 B) 127 C) 113 D) 99 E) 85 Answer: B ...

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By Andrew
at 2011-04-28T13:59
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By Victoria
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