亞洲最佳銀行"星展銀行"summer intern !! - 職場

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2020-04-26T23:07

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亞洲最佳銀行"星展銀行"summer intern !! ,時間: 4/1~5/15(萬寶華代招)


Gear up for the real world with a DBS summer internship, where you will be imm
ersed in the fast-paced environment of Asian banking and exposed to unparallel
ed learning opportunities. This is the best way to find out if a career in ba
nking is for you.
Our internship programme (Jul. 1st, 2020~ Aug. 31st, 2020) is designed with yo
ur professional development in mind.You will receive a comprehensive introduct
ion to our organisation, work on challenging projects, hone different skills a
nd gain a deeper appreciation of what it is like to work for one of the region
’s top banks.
Our openings of each dept. are listed below.Your preference will be asked duri
ng the HR interview; however, the final dept. allocation will depends on our a
rrangement which might not fit your preference.

*Group Audit :2 openings
* Consumer Banking Credit Collection-Legal & Recovery: 2openings
* Finance: 3openings
* Group Strategic Marketing & Communication: 1 opening
* Institutional Banking Group: 7 openings
* Institutional Banking Group Credit: 3opening
*Group Legal, Compliance & Secretariat: 1 opening
*Risk Management Group: 4 openings
*Treasury & Markets : 2openings
*Technology & Operations : 14 openings

* Sophomore or above undergraduates or postgraduates from all disciplines
* Have demonstrated interest in banking
* Have demonstrated leadership, teamwork in academic
* Have good written and verbal communications skills in both Mandarin and Engl
* Logical thinking, details and service oriented, self-motivated, patient and
* Application: April 1st, 2020~May 15,2020
* On board: July 1st, 2020

需求條件 / Key Requirements
How To Apply
1. Please upload Chinese+English self-introduction video to Youtube (no longer
than 2 mins), and provide the video link on your English CV.
The video covered background, personalities (strength and weakness), what moti
vates them to join DBS internship program, what’s the achievement / projects
have done in school etc..
2. Apply through manpower website (https://www.manpowergrc.tw/product/1529 ) w
ith your English CV attached.(The earlier , the better

聯絡人:[email protected]

Tags: 職場

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2020-04-28T22:09
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2020-04-29T22:10
單位沒寫 不過如果是nt就尷尬了
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2020-05-02T02:32
26000挺高的啊 比我們家高兩千吧 含餐
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-05-06T18:03
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2020-05-10T19:50
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-05-14T05:30
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2020-05-17T21:41
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2020-05-19T15:32
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2020-05-21T06:34
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-05-24T17:04
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2020-05-25T17:37


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2020-04-26T22:53
這題沒有標準答案 鄉民都很矯情建議你點便宜的 他們說的也沒錯 但主要還是要看老闆的為人 有一次我跟我老闆去吃飯 點到魚子醬時 我知道那個不便宜 我就說30克就好 服務生就拿出電子秤 結果我老闆整個暴怒 我老闆大吼 有沒有搞錯,隔壁的老外看到還以為我吃不起 結果老闆說一人一罐 我整個吃 ...

[辦公室狀況 2] 有效的溝通/說服方法 1

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2020-04-26T22:35
大家好,我是Peter. 既[辦公室狀況 1] 建立以結果為導向的心態 andamp; 將處理人的問題視為常態 (#1UdoSXRN ( Salary) )後,我將以案例的方式說明實際職場上溝通時的方法及應用. 網頁版:https://link.medium.com/AMoIpoK8Z5 — 為什麼只 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2020-04-26T21:35
小弟我剛進入一家小公司做業務,員工只有9人,每個月會公司聚餐一次,因為老闆很愛 美食,所以吃的都不便宜 前陣子第一次參加聚餐,套餐最便宜2800,最貴8800,菜雞如我本來真的想選8800的餐, 後來覺得怪怪所以改3600,後來發現老闆選6600,其他同事都低於這個價格,我不知道是 剛好還是大家都有個默契了 ...

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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-04-26T17:43
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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-04-26T17:38
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