初會 應收票據考題 - 會計

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-04-09T20:02

Table of Contents


On January 1, Valdez Company had Accpimts Receivable $91000 and Allowance for
Doubtful Accounts $8100. Valdez Company prepares financial statements
annually at December 31. During the year, the following selected transactions

Jan. 5 Sold $8400 of merchandise to Patrick Company, terms n/30.
Feb.2 Accepted and $8400, 4-month, 10% promissory note from Patrick Company
for the balance due.
Feb 12 Sold $13500 of merchandise to Marguerite Company and accepted
Marguerite's $13500, 2-month, 10% note for the balance due.
Feb 26 Sold $7000, 3-month, 8% note from Felton Co., terms n/10.

Apr.5 Accepted a $7000, 3-month, 8% note form Felton Co. for the balance due.
Apr.12 Collected Marguerite Company note in full.

June 2 Collected Patrick Company note in full.

July 5 Felton Co. dishonors its note of April 5. It is expected that Felton
will evetually pay the amount owed.
July 15 Sold $14000 of merchandise to Planke Co. and accepted Planke's
$14000, 3-month, 12% note for the amount due.

Oct. 15 Planke Co.'s note was dishonored. Planke Co. is a bankrupt, and there
is no hope of future settlement.

Journalize the transactions.

Feb 2. Note Receivable 8400
Sales Revenue 8400

Apr.5 Note Receivable 7000
Sales Revenue 7000
Apr.12 Cash 13500
Note Receivable 13500
Cash (13500*10%) 1350
Interest Revenue 1350
June 2 也錯一樣的

像June.5 這種拒付票據的 該怎麼做分錄??

Tags: 會計

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2016-04-12T18:49
借:備抵呆帳 貸:應收票據 有錯請幫忙更正
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2016-04-15T01:42
應收帳款 (翻書看的)
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-04-19T13:03
2/26、4/5 感覺是考...持新票換舊票
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2016-04-22T13:34
應收票據不是增加了嗎 為什麼是記在貸方?
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-04-27T05:00
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-04-29T08:03
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-05-04T07:11
這一題其實考蠻多東西的 每一筆交易都給利率...
那一章分錄要記熟 才有辦法穩穩答這一題
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-05-05T08:28
嗯嗯 了解了 謝謝~


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-04-09T15:02
最近四大會計師事務所忙季 常常平日假日都要加班 身邊同梯聊天常是你還要繼續做下去嗎 或你打算做多久 滿多一起受訓的,後來都消失了 要怎麼說服同梯留下來呢 會計師事務所可以學到哪些技能吸引他們留下來 要不然同梯都走光了 人來來去去的 也滿孤單的 Best Regards ----- Sent from J ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-04-09T09:46
本人大學曾休過初級會計學,當時報名金融保險時,補習班告知我考的會計學是初級的,我就這樣傻傻的報了,上課了聽到老師說是中會,整個聽不懂,請問現在這種情形,我該繼續聽老師說中會,還是我要先複習初會比較好P.s本人已沒碰初會三年了 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-04-08T22:24
http://i.imgur.com/6ztMX0j.jpg 如圖所示, 我只算得出估計提列壞帳2860……atat - ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-04-08T13:37
乙公司於標準分步成本制度下生產A產品,1月份製造完成4600單位 標準成本卡如下: DM 2磅at4 8 DL 1小時at10 10 OH: 變動 1小時at5 5 固定 1小時at10 10 __ 合計 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-04-08T12:55
小弟剛學審計學 郭軍跟金永勝的講義我都有看過 關於這題申論 乙公司尚欠會計師去年的查帳公費,乙公司已簽發1年後到期,由銀行保證之付息票據 如果王會計師接受此張票據,是否影響其超然獨立性 兩本講義 郭軍的寫此視為借貸關係之一種。獨立性會受到自我利益的影響 金永勝的寫因為已由銀行保證付款,不可視為欠款或負債 這 ...