即將日本WH/英日自傳與動機求批,感謝 - 職場

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-10-29T08:23

Table of Contents

※ 引述《akane1234 (akane)》之銘言:
: Autobiography
First I would like to thank you for having time to review my
application materials.

For my education, I majored at modern languages in college
and graduated from the College of Business Administration
in December, 2011.(建議附註校名與地點)

For working experiences, for past few years, I had worked as
administrative assistants for several companies; this year I am
an administrative assistant in Financial Ombudsman Institution.
Not only had I earned the credits by handling administrative
issues at the same time, but also most of time I could meet the
deadline and the quality requirements.

Right now it makes me quite believe that I am prepared in term
of the ability and training I had in the school and companies and
ready to bust a move to positions which requires more
responsibilities. I am confident of using languages and that is
also why I choose to apply this job. According to the job
opening, I think I quite fit to requirements and I believe that
definitely I could be able to make contributions.

I am looking for an opportunity to have talk with you and please
let me know if you are interested in. Thank you for your time
and have a nice day then.

: First, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being
: very busy very thank you to glance through my material. Also hoped that it
: can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me.
: I graduated from the College of Business Administration in December of 2011.
: And my major is modern languages.
: For the past years, I have worked as a administrative assistant for several
: company. At present I am their administrative assistant in Financial
: Ombudsman Institution this year. There were many administrative matters have
: to solve that makes me could able to earn a substantial amount, I usually
: ahead of time and accomplished at work.
: I would like to make a change now because I feel that my ability and my
: training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible
: position. I am filled with ambition to use my language abilities on my job.
: That’s why I choose this job. I think this job and its circumstance can give
: me what I want. I will do my best to contribute myself here.
: If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an
: interview at any time convenient to you.
: Sincerely yours Yu-Shan Lo
: 以上 謝謝大家

Tags: 職場

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-10-30T01:22
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-10-31T23:27
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-11-01T17:35


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-10-28T10:35
大家好 想請教各位,若在職場上,非直屬主管指派工作給自己做,該做嗎? 目前我碰到的狀況是,我都是直接拒絕請對方自己做 結果今天對方就問我說,那如果是XXX(另外一位主管)叫我做我會做嗎? 我回他:當然不會啊…而且他也不會叫我做事 請問我這樣回答是否會不大恰當? 謝謝回覆! - ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-10-28T00:48
※ [本文轉錄自 WomenTalk 看板 #1IRK2sv9 ] 作者: shanshan0407 (好吧~就這樣) 看板: WomenTalk 標題: Re: [討論] 這很刻意嗎? 時間: Mon Oct 28 00:35:00 2013 我要來講後續了~本來想說用回覆的,但應該沒人會理我XDD所以 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-10-27T20:33
目前主要大規定就是連續14天內要有兩天例假 以及每周不超過48 兩周不超過84 或4週不超過168 8周不超過336 變形工時可攤於其他日正常工時不超過8(+2)小時 另外還有19天國定假日並沒有只紀念不放假這件事 工讀生都應該雙倍薪 正職應能補休 有點好奇符合規定的行業休假最少是多慘? 是利 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-10-27T13:05
現在在某家公司做儲備幹部 是物流公司,已經做了一個星期了~~不過看到某些事情 1.公司的現場人員幾乎沒什麼人想當主管 2.公司的主管有做八年十年,就被逼升上主任和副主任 3.公司流程很雜,教育訓練尚不足 4.環境有點惡劣 5.東西不見或撞壞設備要自己賠 andlt;= 這個我很care 雖然我 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-10-27T09:39
你沒考多益 也沒考日文檢定 你又不是名校畢業的 除非你有認識人 否則基本上找不到好工作的 先拚拚看「多益」吧!不論好壞都有分數的 而且多益每個月都有考 這次不好下次再報 英文不是何時準備起 而是要 終 身 學 習 英文只是「工具」 但有加分效果 想辦法把多益衝高一點 才有機會談到好的工作 趁年輕 ...