可以幫忙將『自我介紹』中翻英嗎 - 工作

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2009-09-14T00:00

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拜託 ~ 請真的會翻譯的幫忙翻譯
這攸關工作面試 , 非常重要
使用翻譯軟體的大大們 , 這次請先 pass ... 感激
可以的話用字盡量不要太難 @ ~ @

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-09-17T03:48
I graduate from 000 university's country trade departments, once had participated in Kang Fushe, conducts the recruitment of students, to welcome a newcomer and so on activities. Once in 000 worked part-time and studied part-time in the semester, holds the post of the reception the position. After the graduation, I am engaged in the work is mainly by the administration primarily, the work content includes: Assists the talented person to recruit, the data compilation, to reply the customer question, the report form reorganization and so on. I have obtained many precious experiences from these work, particularly time management, when simultaneously has the numerous matters need to process, should how complete a work row of regulation, enables itself to achieve the best efficiency. I anticipated that in the future can display itself in the work the specialty and ability, and studies from the work, because of studies diligently with disciplines makes up insufficiency of the experience.
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-09-15T05:57
I graduate from 0 university's country trade departments, once had participated in Kang Fushe, conducts the recruitment of students, to welcome a newcomer and so on activities. Once in 0 worked part-time and studied part-time in the semester, holds the post of the reception the position. After the graduation, I am engaged in the work is mainly by the administration primarily, the work content includes: Assists the talented person to recruit, the data compilation, to reply the customer question, the report form reorganization and so on. I have obtained many precious experiences from these work, particularly time management, when simultaneously has the numerous matters need to process, should how complete a work row of regulation, enables itself to achieve the best efficiency. I anticipated that in the future can display itself in the work the specialty and ability, and studies from the work, because of studies diligently with disciplines makes up insufficiency of the experience
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-09-16T12:47
○ ○ ○ I graduated from the University of International Trade Department, took part in Kosuke Club, held recruitment, orientation and other activities.
At school during the work-study in ○ ○ ○ as hospitality positions.
After graduation I worked mainly through administrative work, work include: assistance in personnel recruitment, data collation, reply to customer issues, reports finishing.
I have gained from these work a lot of valuable experience, especially in time management, while at the same time there are many things to do, when, what to do a good job scheduling, so that he can achieve the best efficiency.
I look forward to the future of work can give play to their expertise and ability to learn from the work, by hard study and hone to make up for lack of experience.


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-09-13T00:00
我目前是在台南讀書,因為很少帶女友出去,台南也還沒全部晃完想問一下台南也好或者台南附近縣市(不要太遠 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-09-13T00:00
測字”台”問工作目前已在公司工作十幾年感覺越來越不快樂與疲倦再等十年會有筆小退休金但我在思考要做到退 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-09-13T00:00
即使沒有照到心跳 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-09-13T00:00
維持一ㄍ多 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-09-13T00:00
我和這位巨蟹座女生認識了6年全家算有熟她的親妹妹也是我的妹妹前4~5年的時間她都再外地讀書(只交過一個短暫� ...