國外四大面試官提供的面試指南 - 會計

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-06-23T23:40

Table of Contents




I'm a Big 4 Manager; I recently received all interview
questions/guidelines/criteria. I am now providing them to you.


So I am not going to provide any proof here. I am rewording everything and
summarizing every question so you get a good idea of what we're asking for. I
am not going to expose myself to help you guys. Many of you won't be
surprised, but here it is:


*Pre-Interview (when you speak to lower level staff before interviews)

Your interview absolutely begins the moment you walk into the room/office.
Each staff is provided with a notes sheet and a predetermined list of
interviewees to rate.

Interviewees are rated with the following:

‧Capability to uphold and maintain a conversation

‧Knowledge of the company/role you are applying to

‧Personality and demeanor - was the interviewee positive? Fearful? Arrogant?

‧List any major red flags that were noticed.

Interviewees will be asked a few questions, but none of the answers are
judged or rated. Staff members can ask any question they'd like in any order.
The staff member role is to ensure the interviewee feels comfortable and
loosened prior to the interview, and to provide a slight judgment to help
with difficult decisions.

Staff Member judgments have approximately 0 to 20% impact of the final
decision. This depends entirely on the actual interviewer (manager to partner









*Interview Questions

-Technical Capabilities

‧Depends on the position

‧Interviewers may ask questions that are harder and more difficult than the
expected level of expertise required for interviewees.

‧Trying to bullshit an answer is an easy way to get a failure rating in this
section. If you do not know, just say I do not know, but explain that you are
more than willing to learn. Adding in a story about how you learned something
quickly and applied it in a high-stakes setting is very beneficial.

‧"Tell me about a situation where you had to use authoritative literature to
solve a real accounting problem"

‧"Tell me how you applied your knowledge in a real-life working and/or project








-Industrial Knowledge

‧I'm not including anything here because the questions are too specific... but
just know that your industrial / market / sales skills do matter depending on
your job function.




‧"Tell me about a time where your listening skills helped you excel."

‧"Tell me when you made an effort to go above and beyond in understanding the
needs of another (in a business situation)"

‧"Tell me about a time where you have to give devastating and/or bad news to

‧"Tell me about a time where you had to enforce a scheduling change due to
overwork/difficulties keeping with the schedule"

‧"Tell me about a time when you worked with a team and/or a group to establish
scope, expectations, etc. for a project."

‧"Tell me about a time where you worked with significant time constraints and
exceeded client expectations."

‧"Tell me about a time where you worked with difficult and/or non-responsive
team members."

‧In this section, there are no wrong answers, but it's about the attitude you

‧Big 4 managers do not look for success here... they look for lessons learned.
Your goal should not be "I did everything perfectly and I am amazing." It
should be "I faced a difficult situation, and maybe I did something wrong,
but I learned from it."











-Managerial Skills

‧If you are a new hire (college grad), your questions will be more focused
on managing up. Meaning helping managers with their job, and responding
properly to managers.

‧If you are an experienced hire, you will be asked both managing up and
managing down.

‧"Tell me about a time where you actively sought out advice from others to
help you make a decision."

‧"Tell me about a time where you used another person's perspective or ideas
to create a better final product."

‧"Tell me about a time where you were able to express your needs and ideas
to a team and it led to success."

‧"Tell me about a time where you had to provide negative feedback to a team

‧"Tell me about your time management skills and capability to handle
multiple projects and tasks at once."

‧"Tell me about a time where you improved team morale."











‧The remaining questions are just self-based questions that are standard to
most other interviews.

‧Things like greatest weakness/strength, dealing with failure, working with
others, organization skills, etc.

‧This part literally has no guidelines on the interview sheet. Interviewers
would just make up whatever they want, if they want.





Keep in mind that these are all just options that interviewers can use. They
are required to ask at least one question from each area, but they are
allowed to add in new questions or new areas if they choose. Also keep in
mind that partner-level people might not use any of this and do their own


*Post-Interview Evaluations

Candidates are given a rating of 1-5 in each of the interview sections above.
There is also a "personality" area that focuses similar to the pre-interview

There is a section for "Hire" where a candidate can bypass the "pool." As in,
if a candidate doesir own thing.

Otherwise, they'll be analyzed together, and a big discussion is held to
determine which candidates work best.
YMMV for number of hires though.





Let me know if you guys have any questions, but keep in mind that I will be
quite vague to avoid attributing this material to any company. Everything I'm
giving you is pretty consistent throughout the B4 (I worked for 3/4 of them).

I am in advisory, but this applies to tax, audit, advisory, and consulting.
Consulting/advisory will focus more on industry and technical though. For
consulting, maybe a bit more managerial stuff. Tax and advisory work might
ask you for marketing/selling experiences if you are applying for a
senior/manager position.




All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2019-06-28T23:16
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-06-29T14:01
William avatar
By William
at 2019-07-01T21:39
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2019-07-06T11:10
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2019-07-08T18:14
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2019-07-10T11:04
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-07-11T12:51
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-07-13T05:46
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-07-15T00:59


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2019-06-23T14:52
請問有人上過白話會計,初會和中會的嗎? 謝謝 - ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-06-23T14:29
⒈商品名稱:北一2019年會計師及高普考審計《黃喆文老師》(全套共4冊)(已售) 交易地區:台北市 商品價格:600(不含運) 新舊狀況:全新 交易方式:面交、蝦皮、郵寄等 聯絡方式:站內信 ⒉商品名稱:北一2019年北一會計師及高普考審計《林鈞老師》(全套共4冊)(已售) 交易地區:台北市 商品價格:40 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-06-23T01:39
https://imgur.com/GjYuzBI.jpg 高點:精品教學,創造連續高分上榜 他班:大班授課,錄取人數相差懸殊 上榜率高才是真正關鍵!一地報名,全省服務 狂賀!! 2019 會研所 台大/政大/北大/中興/中正榜首皆在高點! https://imgur.com/fALoWB9.jp ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2019-06-23T00:43
如題, 去年有上過北一張季2018年的稅法課程, 今年因為工作關係所以沒有再補一次稅法, 想請問有上過2018年跟2019年稅法的大大們稅法內容有更改很多嗎? 因為在想要不要補張季稅法總複習, 如果內容沒什麼更改就決定自己讀去年的書, 現在手邊有2018年的講義跟筆記+2019稅務法規實戰解析(施敏)的書, ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2019-06-22T20:42
※ [本文轉錄自 Law-Service 看板 #1T3Y5rwX ] 作者: IanLi (IanLi) 看板: Law-Service 標題: Re: [申請] 請辭會計版版主(conk) 時間: Sat Jun 22 20:39:13 2019 ※ 引述《conk (conk)》之銘言: : 申請事 ...