審計選擇題 - 會計

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-11-19T21:54

Table of Contents

1.Research in auditing has shown that if a revised risk is used

in the audit risk model to determine a revised planned detection risk,

there is a danger of :

(A)not decreasing the evidence sufficiently.


(C)not increasing the evidence sufficiently.

(D)increased lawsuits against the auditor for failure to follow GAAS.



2.In the first audit of a client,because of the client's record retention

policies,an auditor wasn't able to gather sufficient evidence about the

consistent application of accounting principles between the current and

the prior year,as well as the amounts of assets or liabilities at the

beginning of the current year.

If the amounts in question could materially affect current operating

results, the auditor would:

(A)Be unable to express an opinion on the current year's results of

operations and cash flows.

(B)Express a qualified opinion on the financial statements because of

a client-imposed scope limitation.

(C)Withdraw from the engagement and refuse to be associated with the

financial statement.

(D)Specifically state that the financial statements are not comparable

to the prior year because of an uncertainty.





Tags: 會計

All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-11-20T09:24
第2題我覺得不到不能查的程度 畢竟還是可以向前任會計師
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-11-21T21:37
說錯 不是不能查 是『不到不能出具意見』的程度
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-11-21T23:45
因為會計師只負責查本年度的財報 所以只是期初餘額查核
範圍受限 出具保留意見應該還可以接受
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-11-22T07:18
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-11-23T19:11
第1題看起來像是C 因為當偵查風險需要修正 代表查核風險
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-11-27T16:42
已經超過會計師可以容忍的程度 但如果修正偵查風險後
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-12-02T06:11
仍不能透過有效增加樣本量來降低查核風險 那就可能發生
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-12-02T19:44
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-12-06T05:16
借閱工作底稿來看客戶上 https://noxiv.com
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-12-06T16:53
因為會計師只負責查本年 https://daxiv.com
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-12-08T18:47
說錯 不是不能查 是『 https://daxiv.com


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-11-19T20:49
各位前輩好,這邊有幾個不懂的問題想請問一下大家 1. 查核人員若隨機抽查15%筆數之交易後,得出樣本誤差率1%,則母體 誤差率為? (93.普考) ANS: 1% 2. 下列何項因素無法減少機率與大小成比例抽樣(PPS)之樣本量?(98高考審計) (A) 破產的可能性高 ...

固定資產 - 非自願性處分

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-11-19T20:26
不好意思 第一次在會計版發文 atat 有個問題想請教大家 題目如下: 南投公司向平安產物保險公司投保設備之火險,保額為 $240,000,共保要 求比例為70%。85年度該公司發生火災,火災發生時設備的帳面價值及公平 市價分別為 $200,000及$400,000,火災後設備的公平市價為$5,000。則 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-11-19T19:49
1.目前正針對新會計IFRS做全面翻修檢閱 2.焚膏繼晷,日以繼夜,約12月10日正式發行 3.此次義賣所得全數捐助台東家扶中心及台東基督教醫院 新版郝語特報尚未完成,頁數未定,且郝強老師現在只教北中, 本數會印的很少,印刷成本較高,價格容後公布 在公職王討論區看到的 有意購買者可隨時注意後續消息 以免到 ...

售書 稅務法規理論與應用-楊葉承、宋秀玲 第三版

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-11-19T16:34
書名:稅務法規理論與應用-楊葉承、宋秀玲 三版 作者:楊葉承、宋秀玲 出版日期:100年2月 版本:第三版 出版社:新陸書局 書況:有螢光筆和原子筆畫過重點 售價:250元 站內信聯絡 面交地點:台北車站、公館捷運站 - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-11-19T15:57
想請問一下有人知道 楊葉承 宋秀玲 預計要出的 稅務法規申論題歷年考題解析 預計大概何時會上市? 謝謝 - ...