履歷寫作的五大黃金法則 - 職涯

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-11-08T17:08

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※ 引述《cammyj (cammyj)》之銘言:
: With today’s increasing job mobility and worldwide searches for the “
: perfect candidate”, multinational companies are often swamped with hundreds
: and even thousands of resumes for each job opening they have. In order to
: catch the attention of the recruiter, applicants must be able to present
: themselves using a format preferred by the company. This is often difficult,
: because styles differ between U.S.-based, Europe-based, and Asia-based
: companies. However, there are basic “Golden Rules” to ensure that your
: resume makes it to the top of the pack.

: 1.Make your resume easy to read: Resumes should be simple, not complex.
: Providing strong accomplishments in bulleted format will give the recruiter
: the basic gist. Furthermore, make sure that the formatting itself is easy on
: the eyes. A nice, legible font and plenty of white space will help out
: tremendously.

1. 使你的履歷簡單好讀。

: 2.Brand and promote yourself : Responsibilities do not tell the recruiter
: much about your successes at the company. If you say that you “managed a
: budget”, was it $1,000, $10,000, or $1,000,000? Also, was your budget
: management successful? Relative measures and the scope of your project can
: tell us a lot more than vague statements. Remember to “brand” yourself:
: What is your career path? Are you a “Marketing Executive” or a “Restaurant
: Service Professional”? These bold statements will give you the credibility
: you deserve.

2. 包裝並行銷你自己。
所負責的預算以明確數字($1,000, $10,000, $1,000,000)表示。

: 3.Be transparent and match keywords when possible: Make it easy to
: understand your previous experience. A sentence or two is all the recruiter
: needs to understand whether you are a good fit, usually by targeting your
: resume to include the keywords listed in the job description.

3. 配合公司使用之關鍵字。

: 4.Describe any additional skills you have: Computer, professional, and
: language skills are always critical. Make sure to highlight any extra skills
: you can bring to the table, particularly those that are job-related.

4. 說明其他你擁有的技能。ex. 電腦,專業技能,語言能力。

: 5.Use strong, active actions instead of weak, passive ones: Companies want
: people that will rise to become their superstars and leaders. If accurate,
: instead of “working on” and “supporting”, use words such as “led”, “
: created”, and “improved”.

5. 使用強的、積極的語彙。
使用led, created, improved, 而非working on或supporting。

: Following these steps will go a long way to improving your resume/CV for a
: global-ready application. For examples of how these Golden Rules can be
: implemented, please check out our website at thecareerguys.tw in the “Samples
: ” section. Good luck and happy hunting!
: 這是我在職涯顧問公司工作的朋友分享給我的經驗,在這裡提供給大家參考囉!
: 來源:http://thecareerguys.tw/blog.html

Tags: 職涯

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2014-11-09T13:10
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-11-10T14:45


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-11-08T02:24
※ 引述《Swampert (巨沼怪)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《tkorlian (山松水鶴)》之銘言: : : 本魯蛇今年26歲,在入伍前是就讀高雄大學財法系,大三上學期因家中經濟關係 : : 所以沒念完就休學去當職業軍人,下個月就要退伍了(空軍沒有海上資歷)。小弟的國 中 : : 學也是在跑船的, ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-11-08T01:14
With today’s increasing job mobility and worldwide searches for the “ perfect candidate”, multinational companies are often swamped with hundreds and even ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-11-07T23:57
我,今年是35了。 但是我認為是男兒應該都要出國去走走。 海外有什麼好? 第一,離開家就是好,獨立早點學好 第二,賺錢自己花用,省錢不當媽寶 第三,找到人生方向,出國眼界會開 第四,練習說說英文,不講永遠不會 第五,結交異國好友,沒書沒友可悲 這是我自己的缺憾,曾經想出國交換學生,但拖福沒考好 進到人力資 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-11-07T16:27
強者我以前替代役同梯親戚 因為愛玩 所以被二一總共3次外加重考3年 最後才當完兵退伍 最近當完剛好快滿30 這樣的人企業有人會要嗎? 聽我同梯說對方家境不錯是作生意的 然後本身也不太愛唸書 是被對方父母一路逼著唸的 這樣的人一定是loser嗎? 我會想問只是覺得這種人讓我不可思議... - ...

公辦。免費 時間管理與生涯檢視講座

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-11-06T23:49
在職場、學校、或家庭繁忙的壓力之下,您是否常感覺到「忙、茫、盲」? 你是否常感覺到時間不夠用?是否覺得自己的生活失去平衡? 你努力的工作,投入大量的時間,結果卻與你真正想要的生活越來越遠? 你的人生是否有朝著自己的夢想、願景前進?   臺北青年職涯發展中心,邀請您11月15日下午參加講座,全面性地檢視自己的 ...