急!英文面試翻譯 - 面試

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-06-20T00:00

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因為面試的日子快到了 這幾天才做好自我介紹 也沒有時間回到學校請老師翻譯
我知道比較多>< 但其實已經有刪減了翻譯好後還會再刪減 因為自己實在沒有能力翻譯又不想用範例的方式 所以請教專業高手幫忙!!! 拜託了~~~感謝
雖未得名次,但也藉此機會學到了和隊友間的相互配合 發音訓練等
而我選擇英文系,不外乎是因為高中三年學的主要科目是英文,再者,我認為英文是在職場中很重要的語言,因為國際化的趨勢,擁有進階的語言能力就是一個強勢的優點 (也能夠增加和國外朋友的友好度,甚至和他們學習不同的文化)-> 不好意思 請幫我括號ㄧ下
這是之後我自己翻的 可以幫我修正嗎
Good afternoon, professors. My name is XX. I have just graduated from XX High School. My personalities are lively and cheerful. I always keep optimistic when I face unhappy things. I like learn things from watching movie. It is my interest.
Update 2:
There are many activities in high school. I was participated English situational conversation competition and English presentation, also got the first in presentation and representative school to take part in English singing contest. Although we didn’t get any place.
Update 3:
But through this chance I know the importance of cooperation with teammate and pronunciation training.
Update 4:
And the reason I choose English is not only because I like it but also it is an important language in workplace. With internationalization, having an advanced language ability
is a big advantage. (It also can increase friendship with foreign friends, even learn different culture.
Update 5:
Then I hope professors can give me a chance to study in your school. Your school have complete faculty and equipment. I think I can enhance my personal professional knowledge in this school. And I’ll apply my knowledge in the future.
Update 6:
或者還有什麼可以補充的把句子聽起來更好 自己念起來感覺很多地方怪怪的
Update 7:
真是太感謝你了~~~ 不好意思可以請你再幫我翻譯以下問題嗎
I'm live in Beitou so I'll take MRT.
That's right. I think that your school was famous for good faculty and equipment.
I hope I'll be able to study in here, and I'll do my best.
Update 8:
I will stabilize my English knowledge basis first and improve my English listening, speaking, reading and writing also I’ll do my best to obtain certificate on studies.
And in my leisure time I want to join school club and do a part-time job.
Update 9:
I like play badminton and volleyball in my leisure time.
除了英文 還喜歡什麼科系?
There is no subject I like except English department.
Update 10:
I think is the studying environment in my high school, and good equipment.
如果你通過了這次的甄選 你將如何安排這段時間?
I will use this time to improve my computer skill and reading some English magazine like- TIMES.

All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-06-24T20:07
Good afternoon, professors. My name is XXX. I just graduated from the Department of Applied English of XX High School. My personalities are lively and broad-minded, and always keep optimistic when facing unhappy things. My interest (hobby) is watching TV movies where I can learn things from the storylines.
There were many activities in high school, I had participated in English situational conversation competition and English performance presentation during my 1st and 2nd years, and got the first place in presentation so as to represent our school to participate in English singing contest with other high schools. Although we didn’t get any prize, we learned through this chance the importance of cooperation with teammates and the pronunciation training.
The reason I chose the English department was not only because the English was the major course in high school, but also an important language for my future career. It is a big advantage of having advanced language ability under the trend of internationalization. (It also can enhance friendships with foreign friends, and learn different cultures.)
Then I hope professors can give me a chance to study at your school. Your school has complete hardware facilities and peripheral teaching materials. I think my professional knowledge can be enhanced at this school, and can put what I have learned to a good use in the future.
2012-06-21 21:14:46 補充:
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-06-22T21:04
如果應外畢業的沒有辦法自己翻譯這些內容 那..................


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-06-20T00:00


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2012-06-20T00:00
要早班喔^^不然就�� ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-06-20T00:00


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-06-19T00:00
1:請問大夜班的工作是幹嘛??2:大夜班時薪多少??3:會不會付贈餐點或其他好康??4:多久發一次薪水??5:工作時數最少幾 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-06-19T00:00
請好心人幫幫�� ...