應收帳款與壞帳-98中興 - 會計

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-01-31T00:02

Table of Contents

O.Co.account balance ay Dec.31 for Account Receivable and the related Allowan-
ce for Doubtful Account are $750,000 and $20,000.respectively.Form an analysis
of accounts receivable,it is estimated that $42,000 of the Dec.31 receivables
will be uncollectible,$10,000 was collected from dishonored checks in June,
the total write off bad debts during the year is $5,000.After adjustment for
the above facts, the net realizable value of accounts receivable would be:

(A)$750,000 (B)$730,000 (C)$688,000 (D)None of the above

答案: 高點 (C) 至聖 (D)

我的做法: 因為↓

Allowance for Doubtful Account 42,000
Account Receivable 42,000

Account Receivable 10,000
Allowance for Doubtful Account 10,000
Cash 10,000
Account Receivable 10,000

Bad debt expense 5,000
Allowance for Doubtful Account 5,000

Allowance for Account
Doubtful Account Receivable
───┬─── ───┬───
Bal. 35,000│ 750,000│
│ │20,000
│10,000 │42,000
│ 5,000 │
───┼─── ───┼───
20,000│ 688,000│

所以答案是這個樣子出來的嗎@@"? 我總覺得好像哪裡怪怪的...
不知道哪個答案才是正解...那麼就有請高手指導了!!! 拜託了感恩!!!

Tags: 會計

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-01-30T21:05
※ 引述《tyrion (小賤)》之銘言: : 題目如下(節錄): : 七賢公司X0年初向銀行借款 $3,000,000,利率固定為 5%,每年底付息, : X4年底到期。X2年一月二日因財務困難無力依約付息,債權人同意利率降 : 至4%,到期日不變,並免除積欠利息$150,000。七賢公司另發生債務協商 : ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2010-01-30T20:10
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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-01-30T19:26
題目如下(節錄): 七賢公司X0年初向銀行借款 $3,000,000,利率固定為 5%,每年底付息, X4年底到期。X2年一月二日因財務困難無力依約付息,債權人同意利率降 至4%,到期日不變,並免除積欠利息$150,000。七賢公司另發生債務協商 成本$10,000。 此題是非實質修改且未來支付總額大於 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-01-30T17:39
On 1 Octber 2005 Dearing acquire a machine under the follow terms: Hours $ ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-01-30T14:40
※ 引述《lcp7228 (Just my stlye)》之銘言: : 大家好,想請教各位好手,有關中會的問題, : 最近開始重讀鄭丁旺老師的中會第十版, : 那今年考會計師的時候,我可以用國際會計準則的答法嗎? : 第二,導入IFRS會計準則之前的會計(也就是第九版) : 可以用到何時呢? : 請問有沒有大 ...