成管會-資本預算 - 會計

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-02-18T21:43

Table of Contents


Marine Corp. is considering the purchase of a new computer to further automate
its accounting system.
Management has been considering several alternative systems including a model
labeled the P25.

The supplier of the P25 has submitted a quote to the company of $7,500
for the equipment plus $8,400 for software.
Assume (lie equipment can be depreciated for tax over 3 years as follows:
Year 1:$2,500; Year 2:$2,500;Year 3:$2,500.
The software can be written off immediately for tax purpose.
The company expects to use the new machine for 4 years.

The market for used computer system is such that Marine would realize $1,000
for the equipment at the end of 4 years.
The software would have no salvage value at that time,
Marine management believes that introduction of the computer system will
enable the company to dispose of its existing accounting equipment.
The existing system has a book value of $200 and can be sold for $100.

Management believes that it will realize improvements in operations from
the new computer system that will be worth $8,000 per year before taxes,
Marine uses a 10% discount rate for this investment and
has a marginal income tax rate of 45%

Compute NPV of investing P25.

Tags: 會計

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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-02-18T12:03
公司於95年1月1日購入設備一部,成本6000000,估計杓用年限6年無殘值, 公司採直線法提列折舊。於民國97年7月1日公司對該設備進行大修理,估計 可延長耐用年美至民國102年底,殘值仍為0。此項大修理共計支出350000, 但97年7月1日該公司係以借記修理費用方式處理。 解答給這個 累計折 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-02-18T11:03
今年的書: 審計學為97年10月版 於七月拿到為研究所考試用書 金永勝老師 原價600 售500 成管會為97年9月版 同樣於七月拿到為研究所考試用書:) 原價550 售450 去年的書: 96/7出版審計學題庫 原價650 售450(有兩本) 96/7出版成本與管理會計學 原價550 售350 以上皆 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-02-18T01:35
我之前買孔王99年會計師全修, 但是只能聽到今年。有人知道有甚麼方法可以破解期限的限制。 因為我覺得我應該不可能在今年把全部聽完... (我一月初才購買) 他的dvd函授是授權下載後,就不需連上網,只需要放入光碟就可以試聽。 - ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-02-17T12:11
可是為何解答會說: 非營利會計的會計基礎採權責發生制 商業會計的會計基礎採應計基礎制 不是一樣嗎? ※ 引述《vance0519 (NCCU Accounting)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《robertchen (6213)》之銘言: : : 我感覺好像是一樣的, : : 但為什麼教科書都劃分的很 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-02-17T11:36
※ 引述《robertchen (6213)》之銘言: : 我感覺好像是一樣的, : 但為什麼教科書都劃分的很細?! : 網路上有文章是說其實權責發生制即是應計基礎制, : 亦有現金基礎制即是權責發生制。 : 解答上一個答權責發生制, : 一個答應計基礎制, : 不曉得差在哪?! : 誰能解釋差異在哪邊?!謝 ...