新鮮人英文自傳求批(科技業) - 履歷

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-05-26T14:46

Table of Contents




I graduated from XXX University with a bachelor’s degree in
chemical engineering. I have a good command of “Transport phenomena” and “
Chemical Engineering Laboratory”. “Transport Phenomena” reveals the
foundations of fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer. On the other hand,
“Chemical Engineering Laboratory” focuses on the interpretation of the
observed physical phenomena using the theorems we’ve learned in “Transport
Phenomena”. While learning the two subjects, I was trained to link physical
scenarios to the corresponding scientific principles.

While taking “Introduction to semiconductor processes” in grad school, I
realize that the manufacturing of semiconductors is highly relevant to the
field of chemical engineering. The coating, photolithography and etching
process contain details of diffusion, reaction kinetics, intrinsic properties
of the chemicals, etc. Delicate control of the process is important for
improving the yield. Therefore, I intend to apply my knowledge of chemical
engineering to the semiconductor industry in the role of process engineer.

I am equipped with logical thinking and problem solving skills owing to my
research experiences in experimentation and theoretical modeling. I joined
the “Biomimetic Membrane Interfacial Phenomena and Engineering Lab” in
college and the “Complex Fluid Theory Group” in grad school. I am able to
conduct a research project solely and to extract useful particulars from
comprehensive literature survey to arrive at a solution to a problem at
logical steps. Constructing my simulation model also requires solid bases of
fluid mechanics and computer programming skills.

Besides academic research, I also have the experience of leading staff of
over 50 students as the vice coordinator of the orientation camp. It
makes me realize that communication is the key to an efficient collaboration.
Disagreements are inevitable when working with other people as a team. I
assemble a daily meeting to sort out the discrepancies via timely
communication, and it is proven to effectively reduce the disputes.

I can confidently say that I am ready for the position. The research
experiences concrete my ability to use good judgement and logic in solving a
problem. The teamwork experience allows me to improve my collaborative
skills. Along with these experiences, I look forward to develop myself and
keep pace to the rapid renewal of this industry.


Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-05-30T01:11
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-06-03T03:28
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2018-06-07T03:12
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-06-08T14:35
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-06-08T17:30
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-06-09T13:30
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-06-13T03:10
Chemical engineering 中譯:理工科系
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2018-06-14T18:31
3個字的I D看看就好

投履歷後沒下文,應該隔多久後再投 ?

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-05-24T15:17
請問各位前輩們 若在104上投遞履歷之後沒收到人資的通知或是104系統給的履歷被讀取信件 您會等大概多久之後再投一次 ? 另外想順便問一下 是不是很多公司的人資都是好幾天才會看一下104上有哪些新進來的履歷 ? 因為根據個人的經驗,投履歷後的1~2天內就收到回覆的機率非常低~~ - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-05-23T13:31
※ 引述《NameIsJOE (喬)》之銘言: : 我以一個過來人的跟你談 : 高中學歷在社會上找工作容易嗎? 不容易 : 我聽過一個比喻 : 如果拿人生跟遊戲做比喻 學歷就好比是遊戲難度 : 高中畢業 基本上你就是選擇了困難模式 : 大學畢業 就好比是普通模式 : 在這個社會中如果你今天已經立定志向 願意拿 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2018-05-22T21:44
我的背景大學是念生物、研究所念商學和智財 有醫材創業2年、醫材業務2年的經驗 前幾天去面試了大瓏感覺不錯,就來分享一下心得,滿大篇的沒興趣可左轉。 【公司介紹】 大瓏是醫療器材公司,主力產品電燒刀,網路上也不少報導、文章 雖然主要是代工貼牌,但在這個領域算是佼佼者,許多國際大廠都是客戶 也有其他 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2018-05-22T17:41
小妹我是私立外語系今年六月即將畢業,想趕快找到工作最近去面試了幾家 1.光聯國際文化有限公司 業務儲備幹部 協理面試很久,講很多什麼一定可以賺很多啊,薪資福利完全沒主動提起,講了快兩個小 時,問他薪資福利,他說也都按照勞基法 有底薪低獎金、無底薪高獎金自己選 結果:錄取 2.長益螺絲 業務助理 面試大 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-05-21T23:59
原文轉載自 Dcard http://pcse.pw/6UEP3 為什麼? 1.厚臉皮需要時間打磨 這社會不缺臉皮薄、無法承受打擊的人 逆來順受、容易玻璃心碎滿地只是讓人看不見你 甚至把你做的事視為理所當然。 這裡並不是要我們趕快學會阿諛奉承諂媚, 是有愈挫愈勇的耐力和不斷修正的自覺, 因為這世界 ...