考題疑問 - 金融分析師

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-04-20T11:03

Table of Contents

A start-up firm is making an initial investment in new plant and equipment.
Assume that currently its equipment must be depreciated on a straight-line
basis over 10 years, but Congress is considering the legislation that would
require the firm to depreciate the equipment over 7 years. If the legislation
becomes law, which of the following would occur in the year following the
A. A.The firms operating income (EBIT) would increase
B.The firms taxable income would increase
C.The firms cash flow would increase
D.The firms reported net income would increase

Last year Almazan Software reported $10.50 million of sales, $6.25 million of
operating costs other than depreciation, and $1.30 million of depreciation.
The company had $5.00 million of bonds that carry a 6.5% interest rate, and
its federal-plus-state income tax rate was 35%. This year's data are expected
to remain unchanged except for one item, depreciation, which is expected to
increase by $1.00 million. By how much will net income change as a result of
the change in depreciation? The company uses the same depreciation
calculations for tax and stockholder reporting purposes. A. -$0.663
B. -$0.709
C. -$0.631
D. -$0.65
E. -$0.598



All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-04-25T05:40
我想是考 "折舊增減對損益表 & 現金流量表的影響"
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-04-29T04:50
第一題答案C (Dep.↑ EBIT↓, Operating Cash Flow↑)
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-05-02T03:45
第2題答案D 簡解:[1.0M*(1-.35) - 2.3M*(1-.35)]
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-05-06T22:46
因其他數字皆不變, 考慮折舊增減對損益表影響就可


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-04-16T23:56
板上各位先進大家好: 小弟目前處理論文calibration的時候遇到很蠢的問題 1. static copula 模型(非one-factor gaussian) 在fit CDX tranches的fitting結果是否都非常差? 因為我看bloomberg上面的base corr,equ ...

CML線與efficient frontier的切點

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-04-15T07:44
想請問一下 如果今天有三種risky assets 想求出這三種risky assets的efficient frontier與CML線切點上 三種risky assets的權重 (即想找出三種risky assets所組成的最佳portfolio) 那該怎麼去計算呢? - ...

債券future value的問題

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-04-15T07:37
如果今天不是算債券的present value 而是想知道債券到期日的future value的話 該怎麼算呢? ex. 五年期債券 半年付息一次 面額10,000 票面利率10% 市場利率8% - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-04-12T23:55
如題 請問哪個比較好 小弟有希望上這兩所 但是考慮到交通以及學費 我猶豫了 所以想請教各位大大 順便想請教一下 財金系未來有可能考精算師嗎? ~ - ...

【徵才】凱基投顧研究部 總經研究員

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-04-12T11:11
【公司名稱】 凱基投顧研究部 【工作職缺】 總體經濟研究員 【工作性質】 全職 【工作內容】 總體經濟資料蒐集、分析、報告撰寫 【徵求條件】 1. 經濟/財經相關科系研究所畢業 2. 英文能力佳 3. 具備相關經驗者尤佳 【工作地點】 凱基證券總公司 台北市中山 ...