英文一題 - 考試

By Catherine
at 2013-11-20T17:37
at 2013-11-20T17:37
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※ 引述《littlehead (衝就對了^^)》之銘言:
: [考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處
: 台灣銀行100年英文考題
: Seeing is not always believing . In this age of digital photo manipulation
: , it can be hard to tell what is real and what is not . It's common to get
: forward e-mails with attached photos of everything from freakishly large
: fruits to gruesome accidents. While some look obviously fake (a shark coming
: out of the water to attack an army helicopter ), others make you wonder if
: they could possibly be real:a grown man swallowed whole by a snake or former
: US president George W. Bush reading a book _____ down
: 問空格填什麼?
: ans: upside
: upside down不是倒置的嗎?
: 用inside ~~在圖片中正在讀書,不是可以嗎?
: 是我對語意有誤解嗎??
用upsid down 沒錯
文中是說, 網路上很多郵寄的圖片, 很多都不可信,
但是有一些好像是可信的, 例如, 一男人吞下一條蛇, 或者美國前總統喬治布希
這完全在考語意, 跟文法無關喔!
: [考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處
: 台灣銀行100年英文考題
: Seeing is not always believing . In this age of digital photo manipulation
: , it can be hard to tell what is real and what is not . It's common to get
: forward e-mails with attached photos of everything from freakishly large
: fruits to gruesome accidents. While some look obviously fake (a shark coming
: out of the water to attack an army helicopter ), others make you wonder if
: they could possibly be real:a grown man swallowed whole by a snake or former
: US president George W. Bush reading a book _____ down
: 問空格填什麼?
: ans: upside
: upside down不是倒置的嗎?
: 用inside ~~在圖片中正在讀書,不是可以嗎?
: 是我對語意有誤解嗎??
用upsid down 沒錯
文中是說, 網路上很多郵寄的圖片, 很多都不可信,
但是有一些好像是可信的, 例如, 一男人吞下一條蛇, 或者美國前總統喬治布希
這完全在考語意, 跟文法無關喔!
All Comments

By Susan
at 2013-11-25T03:24
at 2013-11-25T03:24
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