英文句子單字填空,尋求答案 - 工作

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-09-15T00:00

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( ) 26. It’s lunchtime. The ______________ is filled with students.
1) stadium 2) cafeteria 3) principal’s office 4) health clinic
( ) 27. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) piano 2) drums 3) flute 4) statue
( ) 28. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) ruler 2) glue 3) eraser 4) grocery
( ) 29. Jill is writing a sentence in her _________.
1) dictionary 2) notebook 3) catalog 4) blackboard
( ) 30. A ___________ is a person who works in the library.
1) dentist 2) librarian c) lawyer 4) attorney
( ) 31. A person who lives with you is your __________.
1) classmate 2) schoolmate 3) roommate 4) officemate
( ) 32. Your room is _________. You have to clean it right now.
1) messy 2) neat 3) clean 4) clever
( ) 33. Students can buy drinks in a ___________.
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 34.Students can exercise in a ________
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 35.Students can buy rulers in a ______.
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 36. Students can eat lunch at a __________.
1) vending machine 2) cafeteria 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 37. The __________ goes well with your black dress.
1) chain 2) necklace 3) necktie 4) sneakers
( ) 38. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) brooch 2 ring 3) bracelet 4) lipstick
( ) 39. ______________ are harder than anything else in the world.
1) Golds 2) Silvers 3) Diamonds 4) Jewels
( ) 40. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) gray 2) purple 3) pants 4) orange
Tags: 工作

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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-09-19T10:22
( ) 26. It’s lunchtime. The ______________ is filled with students.
1) stadium 2) cafeteria 3) principal’s office 4) health clinic
( ) 27. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) piano 2) drums 3) flute 4) statue
( ) 28. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) ruler 2) glue 3) eraser 4) grocery
( ) 29. Jill is writing a sentence in her _________.
1) dictionary 2) notebook 3) catalog 4) blackboard
( ) 30. A ___________ is a person who works in the library.
1) dentist 2) librarian c) lawyer 4) attorney
( ) 31. A person who lives with you is your __________.
1) classmate 2) schoolmate 3) roommate 4) officemate
( ) 32. Your room is _________. You have to clean it right now.
1) messy 2) neat 3) clean 4) clever
( ) 33. Students can buy drinks in a ___________.
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 34.Students can exercise in a ________
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 35.Students can buy rulers in a ______.
1) vending machine 2) status 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 36. Students can eat lunch at a __________.
1) vending machine 2) cafeteria 3) stationary store 4) stadium
( ) 37. The __________ goes well with your black dress.
1) chain 2) necklace 3) necktie 4) sneakers
( ) 38. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) brooch 2 ring 3) bracelet 4) lipstick
( ) 39. ______________ are harder than anything else in the world.
1) Golds 2) Silvers 3) Diamonds 4) Jewels
( ) 40. Choose a word that does not belong to the same group.
1) gray 2) purple 3) pants 4) orange
2012-09-15 15:49:30 補充:


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2012-09-15T00:00
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Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-09-15T00:00
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Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-09-15T00:00
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Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-09-15T00:00
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