英文文法-分詞&分詞構句請益2013/1/5 - 考試

By Zanna
at 2013-01-05T22:52
at 2013-01-05T22:52
Table of Contents
※ 引述《isaac028 (da)》之銘言:
: 不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題(出處:王怡華-文法練習1000
: 題)
以下幾乎沒有用到文法來解題 算是懶人語感法吧(?)
: 1.I had my suit-----yesterday.
: (A)to press (B)pressing (C)press (D)pressed
: 答案:(D),請問該題如何翻譯? 我將衣服被壓?為何不可選(B)主動呢?
: 2.I am sorry to have kept you----so long.
: (A)to wait (B)waiting (C)waited (C)be waited
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(C)被等呢?
人自己等 是一種等的狀態
: 3.She kept her eyes-----all the time.
: (A)to close (B)closeing (C)close (D)closed
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(B)?
眼睛是物體 被關著
: 4.------with mine, your audio components are rather expensive.
: (A)Comparing (B)To compare (C)Compared
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(A)? 主動與我的東西比較
: 5.The gentleman sitting with his arms-----was my boss.
: (A)folding (B)to fold (C)folded
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(A)?請問該題如何翻譯?
你可以看到這句前面就有sit 這個動詞 因為人本身自己坐 是個狀態
所以就會是sitting 而不是sat被坐
但因為手是老闆自己去擺的 所以要注意用被動
解到這邊你有沒有覺得很多東西都是人去擺弄的 需要用被動
: 6.------all things into consideration, his life is a happy one.
: (A)Talking (B)Having taked (C)Take (D)Taken
: 答案:(A),不明白為何選它
可能是Taking 拿...來說,把...納入考慮
: 7.He wanted a basket of flowers------to his wife.
: (A)sending (B)sent (C)send
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?
同意 花是被送給老婆
: 8.My father encouraged my in my painting, but never lived to see any
: of my works------in public.
: (A)exhibiting (B)exhibited
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?主動公開展覽
主動的用法 像是前面第五題那個老闆坐著的狀態
但是這個展覽是個物 不會主動做這件事情
就像食物會被吃 衣服會被拿去曬……
: 9.Standing,--------on a hill,his villa commands a fine view.
: (A)as it is (B)as it was (C)as he does (D)as it does
: 答案:(D),請問這是屬準關代嗎?不明白如何解題...
而是他的別墅 "his villa"
只要知道這個東西有樹立在那的"狀態" 就可以理解一開頭standing為主動的用法
又因為這題後面是現在式 所以用三單動詞
: 10.Walking along the riverside path,--------.
: (A)I am several groups of hikers (B)the river met several groups of hikers
: (C)it was several groups of hikers (D)we met several groups of hikers
: 答案:(A),為何不可選(D)?
這題我也蠻困惑的 我覺得D比較順
就算主詞改成we 好像也沒有問題 再請其他大大解題了
: 11.Asked if he could come to the party that night,-------.
: (A)nobody said anything (B)they did not get an answer from him.
: (D)nothing was said by him. (D)Tom nodded his head and left the room.
: 答案:(D),不明白為何選它
同上 就交給更厲害的人吧ˊˋ
: 12.The same thing,-------,would amount to disaster.
: (A)happen in crowded places (B)happening in crowded places
: (C)it happened in crowded places
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?請問該題如何翻譯?
如果選a 則不能解釋加在逗點後面卻不做任何動詞變化
: 13.Eva,-----born in Canada, lived and practiced law in America.
: (A)was (B)he was (C)although
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(B)?
首先 eva是女的 (誤XDD
請以後把夾在兩個逗號的短句子看成形容詞或同位語 可能會比較理解用意
: 14.The water of a hot spring carries manay dissolved minerals,
: usually -------us an unusual taste and smell.
: (A)give (B)gives (C)giving (D)given
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(D)?請問該題如何翻譯?
: 感謝!!
: 不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題(出處:王怡華-文法練習1000
: 題)
以下幾乎沒有用到文法來解題 算是懶人語感法吧(?)
: 1.I had my suit-----yesterday.
: (A)to press (B)pressing (C)press (D)pressed
: 答案:(D),請問該題如何翻譯? 我將衣服被壓?為何不可選(B)主動呢?
: 2.I am sorry to have kept you----so long.
: (A)to wait (B)waiting (C)waited (C)be waited
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(C)被等呢?
人自己等 是一種等的狀態
: 3.She kept her eyes-----all the time.
: (A)to close (B)closeing (C)close (D)closed
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(B)?
眼睛是物體 被關著
: 4.------with mine, your audio components are rather expensive.
: (A)Comparing (B)To compare (C)Compared
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(A)? 主動與我的東西比較
: 5.The gentleman sitting with his arms-----was my boss.
: (A)folding (B)to fold (C)folded
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(A)?請問該題如何翻譯?
你可以看到這句前面就有sit 這個動詞 因為人本身自己坐 是個狀態
所以就會是sitting 而不是sat被坐
但因為手是老闆自己去擺的 所以要注意用被動
解到這邊你有沒有覺得很多東西都是人去擺弄的 需要用被動
: 6.------all things into consideration, his life is a happy one.
: (A)Talking (B)Having taked (C)Take (D)Taken
: 答案:(A),不明白為何選它
可能是Taking 拿...來說,把...納入考慮
: 7.He wanted a basket of flowers------to his wife.
: (A)sending (B)sent (C)send
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?
同意 花是被送給老婆
: 8.My father encouraged my in my painting, but never lived to see any
: of my works------in public.
: (A)exhibiting (B)exhibited
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?主動公開展覽
主動的用法 像是前面第五題那個老闆坐著的狀態
但是這個展覽是個物 不會主動做這件事情
就像食物會被吃 衣服會被拿去曬……
: 9.Standing,--------on a hill,his villa commands a fine view.
: (A)as it is (B)as it was (C)as he does (D)as it does
: 答案:(D),請問這是屬準關代嗎?不明白如何解題...
而是他的別墅 "his villa"
只要知道這個東西有樹立在那的"狀態" 就可以理解一開頭standing為主動的用法
又因為這題後面是現在式 所以用三單動詞
: 10.Walking along the riverside path,--------.
: (A)I am several groups of hikers (B)the river met several groups of hikers
: (C)it was several groups of hikers (D)we met several groups of hikers
: 答案:(A),為何不可選(D)?
這題我也蠻困惑的 我覺得D比較順
就算主詞改成we 好像也沒有問題 再請其他大大解題了
: 11.Asked if he could come to the party that night,-------.
: (A)nobody said anything (B)they did not get an answer from him.
: (D)nothing was said by him. (D)Tom nodded his head and left the room.
: 答案:(D),不明白為何選它
同上 就交給更厲害的人吧ˊˋ
: 12.The same thing,-------,would amount to disaster.
: (A)happen in crowded places (B)happening in crowded places
: (C)it happened in crowded places
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?請問該題如何翻譯?
如果選a 則不能解釋加在逗點後面卻不做任何動詞變化
: 13.Eva,-----born in Canada, lived and practiced law in America.
: (A)was (B)he was (C)although
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(B)?
首先 eva是女的 (誤XDD
請以後把夾在兩個逗號的短句子看成形容詞或同位語 可能會比較理解用意
: 14.The water of a hot spring carries manay dissolved minerals,
: usually -------us an unusual taste and smell.
: (A)give (B)gives (C)giving (D)given
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(D)?請問該題如何翻譯?
: 感謝!!
All Comments

By Megan
at 2013-01-07T14:32
at 2013-01-07T14:32

By Regina
at 2013-01-10T06:36
at 2013-01-10T06:36

By Hardy
at 2013-01-13T00:04
at 2013-01-13T00:04

By Kama
at 2013-01-17T15:05
at 2013-01-17T15:05

By Hedwig
at 2013-01-19T23:18
at 2013-01-19T23:18

By Gilbert
at 2013-01-23T17:43
at 2013-01-23T17:43

By Dinah
at 2013-01-26T23:03
at 2013-01-26T23:03

By Zanna
at 2013-01-29T04:54
at 2013-01-29T04:54

By Gilbert
at 2013-01-30T11:08
at 2013-01-30T11:08
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