英文自我介紹工作 - 工作

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-04-27T00:00

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我的名字是xxx今年31歲 已婚有一個小孩1歲
畢業於東方技術學院 觀光科
服務於 xx公司我的第一份工作是品管工程師任職2年然後是品管實驗室主管2年包裝課課長2年負責有關品管以及包裝的工作之所以想換工作室想學習一些較不同的事務雖然我目前對於這方面工作經驗沒有很熟悉但是我相信只要給我一個機會我會全力以赴謝謝
請不要用翻譯軟體 謝謝

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2009-04-28T02:26
The reason that my name is ### 31 years old married has one child 1 year old to graduate this year the Eastern technology institute sightseeing branch serves in ### Corporation the my first work is manages engineer to hold an office for 2 years is the tube laboratory is in charge of 2 year packing class class long 2 years to be responsible for the related tube as well as the packing work wants to trade the work room to want to study some different business, although I at present regarding this aspect work experience not very familiar, but I believed that so long as an opportunity I will thank whole-heartedly for me


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-04-27T00:00
我目前是在日本料理店工作因為實在太累又離家太遠(捷運要轉站又要轉公車的)想說換個工作好了結果找到我家附� ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-04-27T00:00
我家是高雄縣的低收入戶,是有政府列冊的,是第三款,我目前是大四生面臨畢業,研究所考取兩間皆備取,上的 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2009-04-27T00:00
如標題:所問為何申請低收入戶/與中低收入戶的資格是不一樣ㄉ呢?那一般未婚而單親扶養1名子女又處失業中....是� ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-04-27T00:00
加入任一或所屬的職業工會就是等於加入勞保了嗎??也就是說不用繳國民年金??公會網站可以查到所有職業要繳的�� ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-04-27T00:00
聽朋友說在全聯福利中心工作8pt想要轉正職聽說要考試?那是每個人都可以參加轉正職考嗎?聽朋友說如店經理報2人 ...