英文高手...需要英翻中 - 工作

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-05-26T00:00

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彩妝對於現代人是不可或缺的,不管是學生、職員、藝人…等,都需要上妝來讓皮膚變得更好,而彩妝師更是不能少的,因為有許多人會參考彩妝師給的意見,像現在電視節目有許多都是教我們要如何把自己的特色展現出來,而不是一昧的把那些彩妝上在臉上,所以就來介紹彩妝師需要具備哪些。 彩妝師需要具備哪些 其實彩妝師需要具備的事情很簡單,但做起來卻是有點難度的,像是親和力、與客人溝通的能力、諮詢能力、傾聽客人的話,因為有時候客人的問題會比較多,又或者是客人其實講了很多但重點就是要你打折,還要具備專業彩妝知識、化妝技術、銷售技巧,這些都是要靠經驗而來的,也要多注意現在流行甚麼、也要多練習,彩妝師最重要的還是要有一張丙級證照,因為在面試時也比較容易入取。 彩妝師的出入因為現在每個人都很注重「面子」,所以總是會把自己打扮得很漂亮,而這樣讓彩妝師的工作更多元化,例如:專櫃小姐、新娘秘書(不過也要會頭髮)、劇組彩妝師(幫藝人化妝)、講師(需要乙級證照)、個人工作室(自己接CASE) 成為彩妝師後成為彩妝師後,要不斷充實自我,也就是要多看雜誌、多了解國外現在流行趨勢、還要再更進一步的了解專業知識、專業技能,讓自己的彩妝能力更進一步,且當彩妝師對美的事物、流行事物都要有很敏銳的觀察力,若只是一直工作,而沒有再去接受新訊息的話,很容易就被替換掉。

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-05-29T13:19
makeup for the modern is essential, regardless of the students, staff, artists, etc., all need the makeup to make the skin better, the makeup artist is not less, because many people will refer to makeup artist to the views of TV programs as they are now many of them teach us how to show their own characteristics, rather than reimbursing the makeup on the face, so to introduce makeup artist needs to have . Makeup artist needs to have In fact, the makeup artist needs to have things very simple, but done is a bit difficult to listen to the words of the guests, such as affinity, the ability to communicate with the guests, and consulting capabilities, because sometimes guests are more or The guests talk about the fact, but the focus is to you a discount, but also have knowledge of professional makeup, makeup techniques, sales techniques, these are come to rely on the experience, but also pay more attention to the now popular, but also to practice, color makeup division most important thing is to have a Class C license, because in the interview is also relatively easy to get into. Out of the makeup artistNow everyone pay attention to the "face", so will always be dressed up nicely, so let the makeup artist's work to a more diversified, for example: the counters Miss bride Secretary ( But also hair ) , the film crew makeup artist ( to help the artist make-up ) , Lecturer ( requires Category B license ) , Home Office ( then the CASE) After becoming a makeup artistAfter becoming a makeup artist to continuously enrich the self, is to read a magazine, more understanding of foreign trends, but also and further understanding of professional knowledge, professional skills, so that my makeup to go further, and when makeup artist things, popular things should have a very keen observation, if we only worked, but did not go to the new message, it is easy to be replaced.
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2012-05-30T23:19
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-05-27T20:53


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-05-26T00:00
------------|床頭床頭床頭衣櫃衣||床衣櫃衣||床衣櫃衣||床書桌||床書桌|隔壁房|床電腦桌||床電腦�� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-05-26T00:00
我今年已經30歲了,在一間科技大廠當作業員,一個月2萬4000元,到目前為止存了140多萬元,沒房沒車也沒女朋友�� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-05-26T00:00
我爸是家裡的長子,底下有一個弟弟、兩個妹妹我叔叔基本上是個瘋子,自從十年前工作失敗又離婚後,至今完全 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-05-26T00:00
我過敏性鼻炎已經10年了最近戒菸後卻每天發作超難受的連帶影響睡眠於是就在最近的小診所做治療~然後那個醫師 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2012-05-26T00:00
求得一支籤為六十甲子籤-第五十籤(壬寅)最近在找工作..有錄取的公司..因此想問問該繼續等還是應該去工作由於�� ...