英語課程影片播音員(限英文母語者) - 面試

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2020-07-05T09:16

Table of Contents


-2020年7~8月的2天或3天為工作日。實際工作日期, 我們會再與錄取者及攝影師約定時間

-每日休息時間:有, 中午休息1小時。工作過程中也會視情況休息。
-每日有無計薪供餐:有, 供中餐

一小時NT$ 800, 工作當天現領。

平時日工資:一小時NT$ 800

-工作形態:兼職, 英語課程影片播音員
-工作內容:我們需要一些以英文為母語的人員, 在攝影機前朗讀英語課程裡的句子。我
們會在拍攝的幾天前將腳本提供給播音員, 但播音員並不需要背腳本。我們會準備一個電
視螢幕, 把所有的句子放在上面供播音員朗讀。如有需要, 我們也會提供適當的服裝給播

-單位名稱: 尚儀數位學習有限公司
-單位地址: 台北市中正區延平南路61號10樓之F
-單位官網: http://www.sunnystudy.com.tw

-聯絡方式:請直接Email到 [email protected] 並請附上個人簡介及一段自拍
的短影片。在影片裡, 請簡短用英文介紹你自己, 包含你的姓名、國藉、母語…等等。

-國籍:美國, 加拿大, 英國
-語言需求:必須為英文母語人士, 並且可以說一點點中文

面試時間:無 (email溝通,無面試)

【Working Date】
-Two or Three days in July or August 2020 (The actual working date will be
arranged with the accepted applicants and the photographer)
-Working Hours: 8 hours Per Day
-Rest Time: Yes. 1 hour rest at noon. Breaks during work as necessary.
-Meal Service: Yes. Lunch will be provided for free.

【Salary】NT$ 800 / hour. Pay on the day of work.

【Job Description】
-Job Location: Taipei City
-Job Type: Part Time, English Lessons Video Announcer
-Job Content: We need some English native speakers to read out the sentences
from our English lessons in front of a video camera. We will provide the
script to the announcers several days before the video shooting, but the
announcers don’t need to memorize the script. We will prepare a TV screen
and put all of the sentences on it for announcers to read out. Appropriate
clothing will also be provided to the announcers if needed.

【Company Information】
-Company Name: SunnyStudy Digital Learning
-Company Address: 10F-F, No.61, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
-Company Website: http://www.sunnystudy.com.tw

-Last Name of Contact Person: Ms. Shih
-Contact Way: Email to [email protected]. Please attach your personal
profile and a short velfie (video selfie). In the velfie, please introduce
yourself in English briefly; you name, nationality, native language… etc.
-How to Reply: Only reply to the accepted applicants

【Other Requirement】
-Year(s) of Relevant Experience: No relevant experience is OK. But that’s
better if you have a few years’ experience as an English teacher in Taiwan.
-Nationality: USA, Canada, United Kingdom
-Language Skills: English Native Speaker Who Can Speak a Little Chinese

【Number of People in Need】
-Number of People in Need: Three or Four
-Notification: Emails
-Interview: No Interview (we will communicate in emails)
-Training: No Training
-Deadline: July 15, 2020

Tags: 面試

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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-07-05T01:14
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Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2020-07-04T23:26
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Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2020-07-04T21:13
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Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2020-07-04T20:30
本人同意並願意遵守現行法律、本站使用者條款、本站各級規定、本板所有規範, 本人願意為本文內容負責,並保証本文內容皆詳盡屬實,若違反相關規範,願受處分。 提醒:上方二行文字不得刪除或變更,誤刪者應至本板使用規範第37條或z-53-3複製範本。 ★為必填項目,缺項應保留空項目名稱,灰色文字得刪除之,各項均不得為 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2020-07-04T20:10
本人同意並願意遵守現行法律、本站使用者條款、本站各級規定、本板所有規範, 本人願意為本文內容負責,並保証本文內容皆詳盡屬實,若違反相關規範,願受處分。 提醒:上方二行文字不得刪除或變更,誤刪者應至本板使用規範第37條或z-53-3複製範本 。 ★為必填項目,缺項應保留空項目名稱,灰色文字得刪除之,各項均不得 ...