請EnglishGrammar高手解惑(reward20) - 工作

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-07-07T00:00

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我想請教以下幾個關於文法的題目 請大大附上翻譯和選擇選項的詳細解析 謝謝!!
1. Though McDonald's brothers have their own successful fast-food chains, their mother still wishes that they _____ good, steady jobs that provide a regular pay check.
A. have B. are having C. have had D. had
2. If Mrs. Smith _____ younger and in better condition, she would have run after Judy, but all she could do was stare in amazement.
A. was B. were C. would be D. had been
3. Something is wrong with my watch. I'll have it _____.
A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair
( 這題的答案為什麼是C不是D ? )
4. We are taught _____ our enemies.
A. forgive B. forgave C. to be forgiven D. to forgive
5. John 's English is poor; he can't make himself _____.
A. is understood B. understand C. understood D. to understand
( 這題答案為什麼是C不是B ? )
6. Those who have an inclination for crazy technological advances aren't hard _____.
A. to be pleased B. to please C. to be pleasing D. to have pleased
7. Much of your success, both in your work and social life, _____ how you listen.
A. is related to B. has an impact on
C. have a lot to do with D. are of great importance to
8. Two thieves were seen _____ the house and stole away some valuables.
A. to enter B. to enter into C. enter into D. entered
( 答案為什麼是A不是B呢 ? )
9.The parents were worried and tried to find the _____ child.
(這題空格的答案是missing, 但解析上說也可以填lost, 為什麼不是
10. My train started at six, _____ in Taipei at ten.
A. and arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. somthing leaving
11. My daughter was riding her bicycle with her hair _____ in the
A. blew B. blown C. to blow D. blowing
(答案為什麼不是A而是D呢 ? )
請幫忙翻譯句子及解析選項 謝謝^^
第二題的答案是D, "had been"
9.The parents were worried and tried to find the _____ child.
(這題空格的答案是missing, 但解析上說也可以填lost, 為什麼不是
我知道他是被弄丟 應該要用被動式 所以lost沒有問題
另外, 第1.2和6題麻煩翻譯一下,謝謝你:D
Tags: 工作

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-07-08T07:31
1. Though McDonald's brothers have their own successful fast-food chains, their mother still wishes that they _____ good, steady jobs that provide a regular pay check.
A. have B. are having C. have had D. had
2. If Mrs. Smith _____ younger and in better condition, she would have run after Judy, but all she could do was stare in amazement.
A. was B. were C. would be D. had been
與現在事實不符的假設語氣,用 were
3. Something is wrong with my watch. I'll have it _____.
A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair
( 這題的答案為什麼是C不是D ? )
4. We are taught _____ our enemies.
A. forgive B. forgave C. to be forgiven D. to forgive
Someone teach us to forgive our enemies.還原成主動態就可以看出關係了.
5. John 's English is poor; he can't make himself _____.
A. is understood B. understand C. understood D. to understand
( 這題答案為什麼是C不是B ? )
6. Those who have an inclination for crazy technological advances aren't hard _____.
A. to be pleased B. to please C. to be pleasing D. to have pleased
7. Much of your success, both in your work and social life, _____ how you listen.
A. is related to B. has an impact on
C. have a lot to do with D. are of great importance to
8. Two thieves were seen _____ the house and stole away some valuables.
A. to enter B. to enter into C. enter into D. entered
( 答案為什麼是A不是B呢 ? )
Someone saw two thieves enter the house ...選A, 因為enter已有 into之意,不會再加上into
9.The parents were worried and tried to find the _____ child.
(這題空格的答案是missing, 但解析上說也可以填lost, 為什麼不是
10. My train started at six, _____ in Taipei at ten.
A. and arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. somthing leaving
11. My daughter was riding her bicycle with her hair _____ in the
A. blew B. blown C. to blow D. blowing
(答案為什麼不是A而是D呢 ? )
2009-07-07 21:46:59 補充:
2. If Mrs. Smith _____ younger and in better condition, she would have run after Judy, but all she could do was stare in amazement.
A. was B. were C. would be D. had been
是與過去的事實不符的假設語氣,所以該用had been即過去完成式.
如 果史密斯太太年輕一點,身體好一點,她就會去追求Judy了,但因為不是如此,所以她只能在一旁羨慕地看.
2009-07-07 21:52:53 補充:
2009-07-07 21:56:07 補充:
1. Though McDonald's brothers have their own successful fast-food chains, their mother still wishes that they _____ good, steady jobs that provide a regular pay check.
2009-07-07 22:01:08 補充:
Those who have an inclination for crazy technological advances aren't hard to please.
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-07-11T10:06
1.C wish=與事實不相符,故用虛擬語氣.故.
2.D 與上同,表如果他當時...故.
3.因為表示被修 have it to 表示"讓他去做"表是不可能自己去修理自己的
4.D 被告知要原諒自己的敵人 被動所以是taught to, to後只跟原型
5.被動態,所以要用understood, understand是原型
6.a 讓他們滿意,有"被"的意思,故.
7.a success不可數故只能用單數,總之...不要管中間那句話
8.enter into是加入的意思
2009-07-07 18:58:39 補充:
2009-07-07 19:23:07 補充:
My train, arriving in ...., started at six.


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-07-07T00:00
小妹我最近被一台汽車撞了ˋˊ我是摩托車...肇事責任歸屬也都出來了對方全責我所支出費用有修車---6750醫藥費---1 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-07-07T00:00
他一開始對我真的很好,會每日傳簡訊給�� ...


James avatar
By James
at 2009-07-07T00:00
舉凡內服.外用的藥品都已經嘗試.也避免的接觸到清潔用品.更是戴著透氣棉質手套在工作.(也有抹上藥膏或者凡士� ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-07-07T00:00
先說一下小弟的情形我今年21,身高175、現在體重70以前在學校的時候有持續在運動,體重都控制在62~65不過畢業後 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-07-07T00:00
我滿18歲高中剛畢業已經有機車駕照了在豐原的飲料店投了好幾次履歷都是等通知....已經等了兩個禮拜= =我現 ...