請各位幫我中文翻英文~~謝謝~~ - 工作

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-01-24T00:00

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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-01-27T04:15
Mary: We got your reply and feel really sorry for your situation. We wanted you to come back and take care of grandma even if you ahve only one year left in Taiwan, We are willing to accept that.
But when we found out that Miss Liao at the employment agency said your current employer can apply for your husband to come and work with you,Even though we did not want to lose you but we felt really happy for you. We totally understand that it is a blessing if you can have your loved one woking with you in a foreign country.
You are an excellent worker, Mary,Our family loves the way you work.Though we can't work together now, we still love you and care about how you are doing.From the message you sent us, you didn't seem happy. We looked at the time of the reply, it was very late. Do you always work till late hours? You have to take care of yourself! Don't work too hard.Try to go to bed early. You have a good night!!
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-01-24T05:49
((This is to send text messages to our family missed the previous labor - Philippines .. please help me translate yo ~ ~ Thank you ~ ~))
Mary: see your reply ~ ~ really Tini regret before we sincerely hope. You can come back even if you continue to take care of Grandma ~ ~ only time in Taiwan, we are willing to accept a year ~ ~
But the agency's Miss Liao said. You are the owner of the work ~ can help your husband to come to Taiwan to work together with you when we know that after ~ ~ ~ Unfortunately, although I think it is also very happy for you ~ ~ If you work in a foreign land, after all, the other half can go hand in hand with ~ is a very happy thing ~
Mary ~ You are like a very hard-working staff ~ ~ you really do love my family really miss you ~ ~ but although still concerned about playing from the heart you have a good or bad ~ ~ but it seems you your message had not very happy if you reply to a message of the time ~ ~ have a good oh you are so busy that night so late? you do not take care of yourself tired ~ ~ ~ good night ~ oh go to bed earlier
2011-01-24 23:00:28 補充:
((This is to send text messages to our family missed the previous labor - Philippines .. please help me translate yo ~ ~ Thank you ~ ~)) 這段不要喔!!不小心翻譯進去了^^


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-01-23T00:00
做了兩天後不想做了明明就有喊先生小姐歡迎光臨都覺得大聲了偏偏店長還說聽不到有時他的態度讓人看了真是討 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-01-23T00:00
第一次使用全家貨到付款 要為客人寄件了 結果一直找不到and#34;訂單編號and#34;
拜託有沒有人可以告訴我 訂單標號要去哪裡看� ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-01-23T00:00


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-01-23T00:00
7-11工作影印的流程是怎樣~還有幫客人影印完後的結帳的流程螢幕操作謝謝~而客人icah金額不足但卻已經購物了也�� ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-01-23T00:00
我們家是很傳統的家庭,我的大哥本來跟我好的,但是從他認識了這女的後,人就變了。家中開雜貨店,我哥本來 ...