請各位英文高手幫忙翻譯(翻譯機勿來)急20點~!! - 工作

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2014-01-24T00:00

Table of Contents

我畢業於台灣觀光學院 應用外語系
台灣理光股份有現公司 業務專員
予揚有限公司 行銷業務專員
建祥貿易有限公司 業務專員

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2014-01-24T12:11
Born in 1985, Taipei, Leonid AB type. Lively outgoing and enjoys reading, bicycling and running. Running and riding a bike like my attitude at work "to achieve each goal" and "not afraid of hard work, enjoy the process."
I am a graduate of Taiwan Tourism College of foreign languagesDuring college, interdisciplinary study on English writing and speaking abilities, proposals and briefing skills ... Expertise, little interest is all in English, from the hejiarenmei language to a high school foreign language Department, sometimes aloud will take part in the competition, although it is not named, but also enhance the capacity of my guts and presentations.
To promote limited marketing officerAs a second job to lift limited marketing officer, planning challenge is that you will be alone in marketing as a whole, the exhibition layout, and so on. But the point is still mainly based on business development, learn how to develop in their work, plan daily and weekly schedule. Allow yourself to do your job better.
Jian Shang trading business CommissionerThird take Ren Jianxiang trade limited company business, the company aims at development of clients and new customers, the company I worked alone. In the first year in Office, its own particular ideas, developed a breakthrough development of the company in the past, has also successfully opened another direction of development, and other business people to change old ways of thinking.
Based on past experience, I am confident that in recruiting, performance appraisal and development can bring to your company specific contributions. Development, and breakthroughs. In addition, my personality is flexibility and enthusiasm for business people and investment have not been reduced, joined believes he can bring help. To look forward to the opportunity to interview with you further, thank you
2014-01-25 12:31:26 補充:


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2014-01-24T00:00
第1當事人:涉嫌右轉彎..不距交叉路口30公尺前先換入右轉車道(安101-1-4)第2當事人:無初判表內容造成當事人右手骨� ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2014-01-24T00:00


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-01-24T00:00
安安我想少數人或有在麥當勞上班的人或找過工作的人都知道,麥當勞會雇用一些身心障礙者和他門一起工作,我做� ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-01-24T00:00
我大學畢業至今半年許久工作經驗也很匱乏然後畢業至今這期間我的單個工作時間都不久且方向一直都很不明確現 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2014-01-24T00:00
1.請問有人知道任何明星的家在哪嗎??2.有哪些明星住新店??3.怎麼當個12歲明星呢??4.要有甚麼才藝??5.怎麼跟爸媽講? ...