請問 彼得‧杜拉克 大師的著作 - 企管

By Quintina
at 2005-11-26T06:07
at 2005-11-26T06:07
Table of Contents
※ 引述《evoWiz (翔平)》之銘言:
: 彼得‧杜拉克大師離開了我們,是管理學界的遺憾
: 不過想必各大書店應該會將大師著作擺出一攤
: 小弟手邊也有幾本大師著作,如《旁觀者》《管理人三書》《下一個社會》等書
: 然而仍想拜讀更多大師著作,亦以追思大師
: 因此想請教板上的先進前輩們,不知道哪裡可以找到大師全部著作的書單
: 或請先進前輩們列一列書單,或請推薦幾本必讀經典...
: 另,大師的最後著作是哪一本啊?
: 麻煩各位前輩先進指教了,謝謝 <(_._)>
1. The End of Economic Man - 1939
2. The Future of Industrial Man - 1942
3. Concept of the Corporation - 1946
4. The New Society - 1950
5. The Practice of Management - 1954
6. America's Next Twenty Years - 1957
7. Landmarks of Tomorrow - 1957
8. Managing for Results - 1964
9. The Effective Executive - 1966
10. The Age of Discontinuity - 1968
11. Technology, Management and Society - 1970
12. Men, Ideas and Politics - 1971
13. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices - 1973
14. The Unseen Revolution - 1976
(reissued in 1996 under the title The Pension Fund Revolution)
15. People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management - 1977
16. An Introductory View of Management - 1977
17. Adventures of a Bystander - 1978 (autobiography)
18. Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from the Sanso Collection - 1979
19. Managing in Turbulent Times - 1980
20. Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays - 1981
21. The Changing World of the Executive - 1982
22. The Last of All Possible Worlds - 1982 (novel)
23. The Temptation to Do Good - 1984 (novel)
24. Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 1985
25. Frontiers of Management - 1986
26. The New Realities: in Government and Politics,
in Economics and Business, in Society and World View - 1989
27. Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices - 1990
28. Managing for the Future - 1992
29. The Ecological Vision - 1993
30. Post-Capitalist Society - 1993
31. Managing in a Time of Great Change - 1995
32. Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi -1997
33. Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management - 1998
34. Management Challenges for the 21st Century - 1999
35. The Essential Drucker -- 2001
36. Managing in the Next Society - 2002
37. A Functioning Society - 2002
38. The Daily Drucker -- 2004
39. The Effective Executive In Action -- 2006
Prepared by the Office of Marketing & Communications at
Claremont Graduate University
165 E. Tenth St., Claremont, Calif. 91711
「愛」字收藏一顆完整的心 代表珍惜
「情」字依靠一顆站著的心 代表陪伴
: 彼得‧杜拉克大師離開了我們,是管理學界的遺憾
: 不過想必各大書店應該會將大師著作擺出一攤
: 小弟手邊也有幾本大師著作,如《旁觀者》《管理人三書》《下一個社會》等書
: 然而仍想拜讀更多大師著作,亦以追思大師
: 因此想請教板上的先進前輩們,不知道哪裡可以找到大師全部著作的書單
: 或請先進前輩們列一列書單,或請推薦幾本必讀經典...
: 另,大師的最後著作是哪一本啊?
: 麻煩各位前輩先進指教了,謝謝 <(_._)>
1. The End of Economic Man - 1939
2. The Future of Industrial Man - 1942
3. Concept of the Corporation - 1946
4. The New Society - 1950
5. The Practice of Management - 1954
6. America's Next Twenty Years - 1957
7. Landmarks of Tomorrow - 1957
8. Managing for Results - 1964
9. The Effective Executive - 1966
10. The Age of Discontinuity - 1968
11. Technology, Management and Society - 1970
12. Men, Ideas and Politics - 1971
13. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices - 1973
14. The Unseen Revolution - 1976
(reissued in 1996 under the title The Pension Fund Revolution)
15. People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management - 1977
16. An Introductory View of Management - 1977
17. Adventures of a Bystander - 1978 (autobiography)
18. Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from the Sanso Collection - 1979
19. Managing in Turbulent Times - 1980
20. Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays - 1981
21. The Changing World of the Executive - 1982
22. The Last of All Possible Worlds - 1982 (novel)
23. The Temptation to Do Good - 1984 (novel)
24. Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 1985
25. Frontiers of Management - 1986
26. The New Realities: in Government and Politics,
in Economics and Business, in Society and World View - 1989
27. Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices - 1990
28. Managing for the Future - 1992
29. The Ecological Vision - 1993
30. Post-Capitalist Society - 1993
31. Managing in a Time of Great Change - 1995
32. Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi -1997
33. Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management - 1998
34. Management Challenges for the 21st Century - 1999
35. The Essential Drucker -- 2001
36. Managing in the Next Society - 2002
37. A Functioning Society - 2002
38. The Daily Drucker -- 2004
39. The Effective Executive In Action -- 2006
Prepared by the Office of Marketing & Communications at
Claremont Graduate University
165 E. Tenth St., Claremont, Calif. 91711
「愛」字收藏一顆完整的心 代表珍惜
「情」字依靠一顆站著的心 代表陪伴
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