請教兩題CFA lv1的問題 - 金融分析師

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-11-23T00:20

Table of Contents


1.Of the two statements of call and continuous markets:

Statement 1: Dealers in call market and continuous market have different
functions: in continuous market, they would attempt to derive a new
equilibrium price that would reflect the imbalance and take care of most
of the orders; in call markets, dealers have to buy or sell for their own
account at specified bid and ask price.
Statement 2: The stock exchange has to choose either call markets or
continuous markets trading structure because the two trading structures are
so different that the existence of two structures will make trading

Answer: 1-false, 2-false

請問statement 1是那裡不對呢?

2. What is the lower bound for a 6-month European put option on stock
index if the current stock index is 1000, the strike price is 1050, the
risk-free interest rate is 5%, and the dividend yield is 2%?

Answer: P >= max [0, 1050/((1+0.05)^0.5) - 1000/((1+0.02)^0.5) ]

請問 the lower bound of put 不是應該是max [0, X/((1+r)^t)-S]嗎?
為什麼這邊還需要在除一個dividend yield呢?



All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-11-26T12:29
call market不是都用auction? 價高者得,需要dealer嗎

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Re: 請問一題CFA lv1的問題~

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-11-18T16:46
※ 引述《eddit (愛迪特)》之銘言: : 一點淺見... : 根據題目知道了在門檻為2%下的SFRatio = 1.3,題目又剛好想知道shortfall risk : 在2%下為多少,也就是 P(Rp - 2%)的機率,所以根據常態分配在Z小於等於-1.3時的 : 機率即等於0.0968。 ...

Re: 請問一題CFA lv1的問題~

George avatar
By George
at 2008-11-18T11:23
一點淺見... 根據題目知道了在門檻為2%下的SFRatio = 1.3,題目又剛好想知道shortfall risk 在2%下為多少,也就是 P(Rp - 2%)的機率,所以根據常態分配在Z小於等於-1.3時的 機率即等於0.0968。 ※ 引述《londor (I, 蘿蔔)》之銘言: : ...