請英文好的大大協助翻譯 - 工作

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2014-01-23T00:00

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請英文好的大大協助幫忙把下段文字翻成英文~ (請不要用翻譯軟體喔)
我畢業於XX大學.主修法律.畢業之後投入科技相關行業.從最基層的技術員做起.第一分工作於XX科技人值FQC一職.負責記憶卡的相關測試.及協助相關製程的巡檢.離開之後任職於XX半導體.職務為品保助理工程師.負責進料.出貨及兼任DCC且負責部份綠色物質報告管理.還有其他主管交辦事項. 對於未來的工作 我並無設限.希望可以在品保這個行業裡學到更多知識.我雖然沒有漂亮的學.經歷.但我是個積極.努力 有上進心的人.我相信自己有能力面對任何挑戰和工作.我知道自己在相關行業的知識與專業還不夠.目前也正準備相關證照(CQT.CQE)的取得.另外在語文上也準備多益方面的考試.

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-01-23T04:28
I graduated Yu XX University. majored in legal. graduated zhihou inputs technology related industry. from most grass-roots of technician do up. first points work Yu XX technology people value FQC a vocational. is responsible for memory card of related test. and the assist related system drive of inspection. left zhihou served Yu XX Semiconductor. positions for products insurance assistant engineer. is responsible for into material. shipments and the serves as DCC and is responsible for part green material report management. also has other competent assigned by matters. for future of work I do not have a limit. wish I could learn more knowledge in quality assurance this industry. Although I am not handsome. experience. but I'm a positive. efforts motivated person. I believe I have the ability to face any challenge and work. I know their subject knowledge and professional enough. at present are also preparing licenses (CQT. CQE) made. also more prepared to lean on the language test.Last. If this record has a little bit of touch you. Please give me an interview chance. sure not disappoint. deepest thanks!


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-01-23T00:00
請教相關經驗:10月底騎車起步時,因為起步沒有打方向燈被一位女騎士回頭罵了幾句並送我一個比中指的動作。� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-01-23T00:00
想請教對風水有研究的大師我家是傳統公寓住3樓(最高5樓)大門(面西北方)請問這樣是西北向沒錯對嗎西      ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-01-23T00:00
在櫃檯上班的人一,行政人員即可嗎?要不要護理執照?二,病患把健保卡拿出來,櫃檯輸入後,可以看見什麼資 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2014-01-23T00:00


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-01-23T00:00
附目前格局圖http://miupix.cc/pm-M9JCY6有聽說屬兔床頭不能朝西方我的床是還有床頭櫃如果床頭櫃靠近廁所牆應該沒啥� ...