資產交換 - 會計

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-03-26T00:02

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Ferry Corporation follows a policy of a 5% depreciation charge per year.
The following transactions occured in 2007:

March 31,2007:
Negotiations which began in 2006 were completed and a warehouse purchased
1/1/98 (depreciation has been properly charged through December 31,2006) at
a cost of $3,200,000 with a fair market value of $2,000,000 was exchanged for
a second warehouse which also had a fair value of $2,000,000. The exchange had
no commercial substance.Both parcels of land on which the warehouses were
located were equal in value, and had a fair value equal to book value.

Prepare all appropriate journal entries for Ferry Corporation for the above
折舊費用 40,000
累計折舊 40,000

房屋(新) 3,000,000
累計折舊 200,000
房屋(舊) 3,200,000

我不太懂depreciation has been properly charged through December 31,2006

Tags: 會計

All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-03-28T19:23
2006年折舊 = $3,200,000 * 5% = $160,000
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-03-28T22:43
2007/1/1 ~ 2007/3/31 折舊 = $160,000 * 3/12 = $40,000
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-04-01T22:08
累計折舊 = $160,000 + $40,000 = $200,000


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-03-25T23:32
題目如下 某甲向銀行貸款500萬元購屋 市場年利率5%並且每半年複息一次 期間共20年 試問 1.當到期時值多少 2.假若每個月皆固定還款,則每個月需還多少 第一題用複利的Vf去算 把題目當成利率是2.5% 40期去算 得出13,425,320 但第二題該怎麼處裡勒?? 請各位前輩教一下 - ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-03-25T23:21
常常會聽到很多學長姐們進去沒多久就受不了而辭職 可是聽他們的說法口徑通常都很一致... 就是把事務所塑造成 and#34;很累很恐怖and#34; 的形象。 可是我想問的是,會覺得很累很恐怖到底是自己實力不夠? 還是自己本身抗壓性太差? 我覺得如果是這樣的話,那應該怪自己而不是怪工作。 但若不是我以 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-03-25T20:22
During 2007, Tiger Building Company engaged Reese, Inc. to construct vraious assets at a total cost of $8,400,000. Tiger made the following payments to Ree ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-03-25T18:07
今天終於收到勤業的錄取通知, 但在填選and#34;線上意願回覆and#34;遇到了一點小問題... 我在一個星期多前也有收到資誠的錄取通知, 當時因為還不確定勤業是否會錄取上, 所以資城的意願回覆就有回寄了(因為在3/22前不回寄就視同放棄) 但,今天收到勤業的通知,目前是比較偏向進勤業, 可是 ...

會研所 審計學題庫 歷屆考題

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-03-25T17:01
我要賣出: [審計學題庫 金永勝 98年藍色研究所(目前最新版)] 500圓 書況:沒寫答案上去,有用原子筆勾題目,整本,校正了一些答案。    (校正答案來源:AICPA) [成本與管理會計學題庫 蕭靖 98年藍色研究所(目前最新版)] *原名:成本與管理會計歷屆試題解析 ...