跟debt折價攤銷有關的習題(Lv1) - 金融分析師

By Mary
at 2009-05-25T15:35
at 2009-05-25T15:35
Table of Contents
題目出自CFA自家教材 Level 1, Reading 38, Practice 2
Alpha Aircraft receives $1 million for bonds issued at face value, and Beta
Bizjets receives $1 million for bonds issued at a discount. As a result of the
bond issue, compared to Alpha Aircraft, Beta Bizjets will most likely record
A. periodic interest expense on the income statement.
B. liabilities on the balance sheet at the time of issue.
C. periodic interest payments on the cash flow statement.
A is correct. At the time of issue, both companies will record a $1,000,000
liability and cash from financing inflow. The income statement will reflect
interest expense equal to the cash interest payments plus amortization of
the initial discount. Because both companies received the same amount,
the bonds issued at a discount will have a higher face value and higher
periodic interest expense on the income statement. However, the
amortization is a non-cash expense and will not appear on the statement
of cash flows.
interest expense 應該是 fair value * market interest rate
而在發行債券時 不管是面額發行或折價發行的債券
fair value 不該是相同的嗎
譬如說 A 公司發行 $1m 債券 fair value = $1m
B 公司折價發行 $1.1m 債券(舉例) 折價後 fair value 也是 $1m
A, B 損益表上就會得到一樣的 interest expense
所以 (A) 應該是錯的吧
同樣 (C) 也不會是對的 因為兩者 interest expense 相等
但折價發行的 interest expense 中有一部分是 amortization of discount
所以 cash flow 反而會比較少
希望板上前輩高人能提供意見 謝謝!!
Blossom! Commander and the leader, ╭══╮╭══╮╭══╮/ ∕ ∕
Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter, ║╭╮║║╭╮║║╭═╯ ∕ ∕
Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter, ║╰╯║║╰╯║║║╭╮ ∕ ∕
Powerpuffs save the day! ☆PowerPuffGirl☆║╭═╯║╭═╯║╰╮║● ∕
Fighting crime ~ Trying to save the world ╰╯ower╰╯uff ╰●═╯irls∕ by
Here they come just in time ~ The Powerpuff Girls ~~~ Powerpuff! ● Sgenius
題目出自CFA自家教材 Level 1, Reading 38, Practice 2
Alpha Aircraft receives $1 million for bonds issued at face value, and Beta
Bizjets receives $1 million for bonds issued at a discount. As a result of the
bond issue, compared to Alpha Aircraft, Beta Bizjets will most likely record
A. periodic interest expense on the income statement.
B. liabilities on the balance sheet at the time of issue.
C. periodic interest payments on the cash flow statement.
A is correct. At the time of issue, both companies will record a $1,000,000
liability and cash from financing inflow. The income statement will reflect
interest expense equal to the cash interest payments plus amortization of
the initial discount. Because both companies received the same amount,
the bonds issued at a discount will have a higher face value and higher
periodic interest expense on the income statement. However, the
amortization is a non-cash expense and will not appear on the statement
of cash flows.
interest expense 應該是 fair value * market interest rate
而在發行債券時 不管是面額發行或折價發行的債券
fair value 不該是相同的嗎
譬如說 A 公司發行 $1m 債券 fair value = $1m
B 公司折價發行 $1.1m 債券(舉例) 折價後 fair value 也是 $1m
A, B 損益表上就會得到一樣的 interest expense
所以 (A) 應該是錯的吧
同樣 (C) 也不會是對的 因為兩者 interest expense 相等
但折價發行的 interest expense 中有一部分是 amortization of discount
所以 cash flow 反而會比較少
希望板上前輩高人能提供意見 謝謝!!
Blossom! Commander and the leader, ╭══╮╭══╮╭══╮/ ∕ ∕
Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter, ║╭╮║║╭╮║║╭═╯ ∕ ∕
Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter, ║╰╯║║╰╯║║║╭╮ ∕ ∕
Powerpuffs save the day! ☆PowerPuffGirl☆║╭═╯║╭═╯║╰╮║● ∕
Fighting crime ~ Trying to save the world ╰╯ower╰╯uff ╰●═╯irls∕ by
Here they come just in time ~ The Powerpuff Girls ~~~ Powerpuff! ● Sgenius
All Comments

By Mary
at 2009-05-26T17:55
at 2009-05-26T17:55

By Charlotte
at 2009-05-29T15:31
at 2009-05-29T15:31

By Candice
at 2009-06-02T09:05
at 2009-06-02T09:05

By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-06-04T10:46
at 2009-06-04T10:46
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