轉撥計價-95東吳 - 會計

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-03-11T00:53

Table of Contents

※ 引述《willie1987 (威力是也)》之銘言:
: Calculate the Division operating income for the Best Company which manuf.only
: one type of shoe and has two division.the Sole Division.and the Assembly Divi-
: sion.The Sole Division manuf.soles for the Assembly Division.which competes t-
: he shoe and sells it to retailers.The Sole Division "sell" soles to the Assem
: bly Division.The market price for the Assembly Division to purchase a pair of
: soles is $20.(ignore changes in inventory)The fixed costs for the Sole Divisi-
: on are assumeed to be the same over the range of 50000~120000 units.The fixed
: costs for the Assembly Division are assumed to be $7 per paur at 100000 units.
: Sole's costs per Assembly's costs per
: pair of soles completed pair of shoes
: direct materials $4 $6
: direct labor 3 2
: variable overhead 2 1
: Division fixed costs 1 7
: Question:Calculate the difference amount in corporate net income between
: Scenario A and B.if the Assembly Division sells 100000 paurs of
: shoes for $60 per paur to customers.
: Scenario A:Negotiated transfer price of $15 per pair of soles.
: Scenario B:Market-based transfer price.
: 答案: 因為無論使用Scenario A或Scenario B.總公司之淨利皆相同
: 所以difference amount = 0
: 這題我看不太懂...麻煩高手出手相助了!!!拜託了感恩!!!



Sole部門 Assembly部門
P $15 $60
VC (9) (15)
FC (1) (7)
NI $5 $29

總公司利潤= 5+29 = 34


Sole部門 Assembly部門
P $20 $60
VC (9) (20)
FC (1) (7)
NI $10 $24

總公司利潤= 10+24 =34


以上是我的想法啦 @@"
不曉得對不對喔 = ="

Tags: 會計

All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-03-12T08:16
感覺是這樣XD 至少有頭緒了!!!感謝囉!!!


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-03-11T00:06
想請有補高點政府會計王上達老師的同學 如果你手上有錄音的話 是否可以回個信給我 我真的需要你的幫忙 希望好心人可以跟我聯絡 我也願意付出代價取得錄音檔 謝謝大家的幫忙! - ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-03-10T23:55
※ 引述《YEARJUIN (倔強的魚魚)》之銘言: : 我們公司接到一個案子,幫客戶辦訓練講習課程 : 在課程中有提供一些餐點,請問可以用什麼科目入帳呢? : 本來是覺得用and#34;交際費and#34;但又覺得怪怪的, : 所以想請教一下,該用什麼科目比適當。 謝謝!!! 搭順風車請問一下, 如果純粹 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-03-10T23:44
Calculate the Division operating income for the Best Company which manuf.only one type of shoe and has two division.the Sole Division.and the Assembly Divi ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-03-10T23:42
為什麼大家都一窩峰的想搶進四大,原因為何 大家討論一下吧! - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-03-10T23:11
YP Company has a SAR (stock appreciation rights) plan for its key executives. This SAR plan allows each qualifying executive to receive cash,stock,or a com ...