101地特四等 英文 - 考試

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-12-22T15:58

Table of Contents

It's estimated that more than 1.7 billion people make up the world's
consumer society: people who have more money to spend than 41 to
cover their basic needs. This number is increasing every year. But
these 1.7 billion do not spend 42. A fifth of the world's population,
mostly people in Japan, North America, and Europe, are responsible
for 90 percent of consumption.
42 (A)evenly (B)smoothly (C)exactly (D)purposely
請問:為何不能選( C)exactly?

A: Good afternoon. Henry's Russian Restaurant.
B: Hello. I'd like to make reservations for dinner tonight.
A: Yes. 44
B: Five. We'd also like a table near the window, too, please.
A: I'll certainly see 45 . What time do you want your reservation for?
B: 46
A: And what is the name, please?
B: The name is Miller.
45 (A)if that can be arranged (B)if everything is all right
(C )if you can wait for a moment (D)if we can take your order
請問:為何不能選( B) if everything is all right?


Tags: 考試

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-12-24T04:23
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-12-28T01:32
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2013-01-01T02:13
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-01-05T02:12
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-01-06T19:46


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-12-22T14:58
※ 引述《nasir (nasir)》之銘言: : 我覺得原PO太武斷 : 並不是沒靠關係進去的就是賽缺 : 這要看運氣 : 當初我就是沒靠關係進政府部門 : 工作真的很輕鬆 我覺得你這種說法才太武斷 你的個案也不知道是真是假 而且是個案 也不符合常理 以目前ptt上的資料來分析 一般鄉民知道的內定情況佔 ...

101不動產經紀人 民法概要

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-12-22T14:41
設乙向甲借了100萬元,約定於7月1日清償,亦即甲對乙有了7月1日屆至的100萬債權, 後來甲向丙借錢,為了擔保,甲就將其對乙的債權在5月31日對丙設定質權。 此時: 甲是出質人 乙是債務人 丙是質權人 ※ 引述《superego (superego)》之銘言: : 甲以其對乙尚未屆清償期之金錢債權設定 ...

行政法 行政處分疑問

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-12-22T14:10
※ 引述《dora6219 (齁溜)》之銘言: : 大家好, : 最近讀到一般處分,可是不大會跟行政命令區分, : 行政命令內容是一般`抽象,不特定人, : 一般處分為具體明確,不特定人`可特定範圍的人 : 想請問:連續假期,高速公路夜間不收費跟特定時段的高乘載管制為啥屬於and#34;行政命令and#34; ...

101地特四等 國文

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-12-22T13:58
5.夫君子之行,靜以修身,儉以養德,非澹泊無以明志,非寧靜無以致遠。(諸葛亮 〈誡子書〉)文中的「靜」最切近下列的選項是: (A)恬靜(B)冷靜(C)靜僻(D)靜默 請問:(A) (C)(D)三個詞語如何區辨? 煩請國文高手指教,謝謝! - ...

101不動產經紀人 民法概要

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2012-12-22T13:30
甲以其對乙尚未屆清償期之金錢債權設定權利質權於丙,以擔保丙對甲之金錢債權, 並於設定時即通知乙。下列敘述何者最正確? 猨(A)該權利質權之設定,未得乙之同意,無效 獏(B)乙得以於受通知後始對甲取得之金錢債權,對丙主張抵銷 獱(C)乙得以於受通知時對甲之已屆清償期之金錢債權,對丙主張抵銷 斅(D)該權利質權之 ...